Some Lucero families ,mainly in Italy where this name is pronounced Luche-Ero ,
may trace back their ancestry to Luche people in the mountains of China near Tibet ,
and by way of it to Erós ,one of the sons or more distant descendants of Arés they
may be named for so .
Arés,one of the twelve "gods" or rather planets of the antiquity ,in genealogical sense and
use may well be identical with the firstborn of the twelve forefathers of the people chosen by God ,
the Native Americans ,namely with Ar-Ra'aya-Ban-Na named after it .
His descendats appear to be called in some places ,in the Himalaya region where Hindi languages
are wide-spread ,Ban-Rai ,which in those means Forest-King ,so in Asia ,and Arban-As in the exile
of Europe .
The original territory of his tribe ,as it is written ,was not in the Holy Land itself ,but in the adjacent
Asian regions ,in Asia ,called GLcD ,approximately between the mountains Ural and Himalaya ,
bordered by the Ocean on its remaining sides ,so in what is now Siberia .
He had four sons ,who are either identical with Erós and his three brothers ,or ,in the likelier case ,
one of them may be the ancestor of the latter .
Erós ,Anterós,Deimos and Phobos are their names ,,and the last one may be the ancestor of some
people of Tibet called Phöba ,who apppear to belong to the same subtribe as the Luche and their relatives ,
namely to the descendants of Pe-Laya'a ,for whom the Tibetese may be called Pe .
Pe was the native name of the Aigyptian Butó too ,so Pe-Laya'a might have been its chief at the begin
of the people's staying in the Nile Valley from about 2136 BC ,and his descendants from the Aigyptian Butó
might have founded the kingdom of Bhután in the Himalaya ,after the hometaking in about 1666 BC ,
and named it for their previous seat .
Luche people are also believed to be related in some way to the Remepu ,Boa ,and to the Mosuo or Moso
tribes,inhabitants of Ne-Guo ,that is Women's Country ,who ,also speakers of a dialcet related to that of the
Phöba ,may be the successors of the Amazons descended from Arés .
The ethnonym Remepu though corresponds to the name of the country of Epuremei in the American Amazonia ,
that might have been impopulated by tribes called Mei-Epure .
This might be the palce called in the Byble by the name RP'WM ,that is Re-Pa-'E-Wa-Me ,a valley near the
capital of the land ,Hierosalém ,or Hierosolyma .
The demonym Mosuo may have also South American connections .
As Mo-Su-O ,it can be connected to Sumoo ,as could Mos-O to the related Mos'-Quito ,in Nicaragua,
who may be ,together with their kinsmen of similar dialects ,be of South American origin ,namely from Qutio
of Ecuador or from the Musu country ,somewhere in Amazonia .
Boa tribe in Nicaragua may in the same way be related to the Boa in the Himalayan mountains .
These tribes may be descended from the tribe of BNWMWN ,the "youngest god" ,called Dionys by Greeks ,
from Abar-Rag-Ra-Ha called also A'al-Lap-Per-Gal ,whose tribe lived near WRYShLM too .
As BNNW is the Aigyptian name of a Phoinix ,BNWMWN is also the generic ancestor of Phoinician kings .
So the Luche tribe ,and some Lucero families in Italy may be of Asian Ban-Rai ,that is of Arbanas origin ,
descended from Erós ,likely from the Pe subtribe of Bhutan ,and might also have Phonician ancestry through
a Dionys ,who once married Amazon women .
Luche tribals might have been deported from Asia by the Assyrians attacking the country around 800 BC
,into Europe,together with the rest of Arbans and other peoples of GLcD .
See Buto,Platini,Palatini,Mang,Arbanas,Mischinger,Sumo,Nicaragua,Karagunis,Karagounis,Playero,Ari,Mosquito,
Nolepa,Dogaru,Caraja,Akan,Ga,Bono,Ladak and more !
Balázs Déri