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Lepper Genealogy and Lepper Family History Information

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  • Ann Lepper (bef.1635 - c.1715)
    Ann CORNELL born in 1635 and was christened 02 AUG 1635 in Saffron Walden, Essex, Eng. She married #Thomas KENT on ABT 1660 in Portsmouth, Newport, RI. He was born ABT 1630 in England, and died 2 JUN 1...
  • Lt. Charles Brison Lepper, MC, MM (1893 - 1959)
    Served in WWI and was awarded the Military Medal (Gallipoli) and Military Cross (Le Quesnoy).10/868, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Battalion, Wellington Infantry RegimentAWARDS* Military Cross* Citation: For con...
  • Edith Mary Pycroft (1884 - 1942)
  • Eric Lepper (1897 - 1922)
    Private in AklReg, file number 10362. == Sources ==# New Zealand and World War One Roll of Honour: / Ref 11.4.2021 === GEDCOM Source ===Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 180, ...
  • Mihkel / Michael Lepper (1900 - 1980)
    Mihkel Lepper (eesnimi ka Mihhail või Michael ; 11. märts (vkj)/ 24. märts 1900 Varssavi – 2. mai 1980 Stockholm) oli Eesti tummfilmipioneere. Kõrgessaare vallavalitsus. Vallaliikmete nimekirjad 1...

About the Lepper surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Lepper surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Lepper surname.

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