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Langlois Dit Boisverdun Genealogy and Langlois Dit Boisverdun Family History Information

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  • Charlotte Françoise Bélanger (1650 - 1710)
    Notes * Location info: Québec (birth,death), Château-Richer (marriage), Saints-Pierre-et-Paul, Isle d'Orléans (marriage)* ID No:7904
  • Francoise Grenier (c.1610 - 1665)
    The origins of Francoise Grenier are unclear. Some authors say that she came over from France on the same ship as her (later) husband, Noël Langlois. Others postulate that she was a native Algonquin ...
  • Jean-François Langlois dit Boisverdun (1641 - 1688)
    conflicting death date - dec 7 1688 or aug 25 1687 Notes Location info: Beauport (birth), Notre-Dame-de-Québec (baptism), Château-Richer (marriage), Saint-Joachim (death); habitait La Saint...
  • Marie-Françoise Crevet (c.1615 - 1695)
    Sources Nosorigines As per Fédération québécoise des sociétés de généalogie Fédération française de généalogie CREVET / CREVEL, Marie 241072 Statut Mariée Date de naissance Vers 1615 Lieu d'origi...
  • Noël ("Langlois", "Lachapelle", Chapelle", "Noel I", Dit Traversy") Langlois dit Boisverdun (bef.1606 - 1684)
    Sources: Geneanet] Notes Lieux info: Normandie, France (naissance), Québec (mariage), Château-Richer (mariage), Beauport (décès)

About the Langlois Dit Boisverdun surname

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