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Lane Genealogy and Lane Family History Information

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  • "Narrator" Lane (c.1635 - d.)
    The presumption here is that Elizabeth Lane Hawkins was the daughter of the unnamed narrator of the sufferings of his father, Rev. William Lane, as recounted in "The sufferings of the clergy of the Chu...
  • ?? Lane (deceased)
    From Staffordshire pedigrees 1664-1700 based on the visitation of that county made by William Dugdale. v.63. Page 152 "Lane":>Thomas Lane of Bentley, Esq ob 1660 married to . . . dau of . . . Eardley, ...
  • Abbe Lane
    Singer Born Abigail Francine Lassman on Dec. 14, 1932 in Brooklyn, N.Y.Abbe Lane had her professional debut at just 4 years old, singing on a popular radio program. As an adolescent, she performed in...
  • Abbie M. Vermillion (1810 - 1898)
  • Abigail Lane (c.1682 - d.)
    GEDCOM Source ===FamilySearch Family Tree ( ) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( ) accessed 25 Jan 2019), entry for Abigail Huxley, pe...

About the Lane surname



topographic name for someone who lived in a lane, Middle English, Old English lane, originally a narrow way between fences or hedges, later used to denote any narrow pathway, including one between houses in a town.


reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Laighin ‘descendant of Laighean’, a byname meaning ‘spear’, or ‘javelin’. Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Luain ‘descendant of Luan’, a byname meaning ‘warrior’. Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Liatháin (see Lehane).

southern French

variant of Laine. Possibly also a variant of Southern French Lande.

(some) origins (of immigrants to the Americas)

#1 Ireland

Lane family from Ireland mostly located in the county Cork. Immigrated to eastern Canada early 1800's many to Ontario via New Brunswick. Original family name was O'Laighhin gradually changed and shortened. See: O'Laighhin origins online. Many of our ancestors grave located in Cork graveyards.

#2 Lane Quaker/Episcopalians of Pennsylvania

  • early immigrants arriving via the Caribbean, aligned with William Penn, Large landholders in future Montgomery County: Edward Lane (1664-1710), from whom in descent: Edward Lane, patriot (1721-1799)

#3 Lanes who settled Virginia Colony

~• and later

  • westward migration to the midwest and beyond: vis. Evansville, Indiana ( Joseph Lane {1801-1881}) Descendant of Thomas T. Lane SR {1630–1709} Long Bennington, Lincolnshire, England, died: 3 JAN 1709 • Surrey, Virginia British Colony. On GENi as Thomas Lane of Jamestown
  • Lane County, Oregon is named for this very man, Joseph Lane.

#4 intertwined with the Evans family from early PA history

#5 Early Lane family in Connecticut Colony

John Lane of the New Haven Colony

other versions of this surname