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Klepfish Genealogy and Klepfish Family History Information

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  • Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Klepfish, Rabbi of Sniadowo (1880 - 1961)
    רבה של שנדובא בליטא, ר"מ בזאמבורא וסלונים ולימים ר"מ בישיבת כפר סבא וחבר מכון אוצר הפוסקים----Reb Aharon Yaakov was a great nephew of R' Shmuel Zanvil Klepfisz, A.B.D. Warsaw . However his grandfather'...
  • Rabbi Aharon Gedalia Klepfish (aft.1903 - 1969)
    Rabbi Aaron Klepfish, who died last week aged 65, was an alumnus of the Slobodka Yeshiva, where he received semicha, and he continued throughout his life to labour for Torah for its own sake, writes Ra...
  • Rabbi Dr Heshel Klepfish (1910 - 2004)
    Major, chaplain-rabbi, P.A.W. Great Britain ( Source ) Rabbi in Miami Beach
  • R' Shmuel Zanvil Klepfisz, A.B.D. Warsaw (c.1830 - 1901)
    He was Av beis din of Warsaw and he wrote a haskama to the mishna brura אוצר החכמה - משפחת הרבנים קלעפפיש Wikipedia

About the Klepfish surname

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