There are already 327 users and over 6,600 genealogy profiles with the Jaramillo surname on Geni. Explore Jaramillo genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Primer alcalde de Medellín ( ¿ en 1675 ? ) Si falleció en 1674 no pudo ser Alcalde en 1675. MyHeritage Family Trees alvarez lopez, managed by jorge alejandro alvarez lopez (Contact)Birth: July 6 1648 -...
Alonso Varela II is mentioned in 1626 as the adult son of Alonso Varela I and again in 1638 as a cousin of a Pedro Varela (II). He wasban public scrib in 1642.
He was a soldier accompanying Don Juan de Oñate on the Oñate Expedition of 1598-1608, and a founding resident of Santa Fe, Nueva España.Capt. Alonso Varela received his appointment as lieutenant govern...
mi papi es apellido jaramillo y mis abuelos eran de ibarra ami el era jaramillo obando mi papi se lo traeron muy pequeño a la costa y no conocemos a nadie d part d mi abuelo
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