There are already 574 users and over 23,732 genealogy profiles with the Howe surname on Geni. Explore Howe genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Daughter of Peter Fox of Dracut Mass & Abigail Wilson of Pelham, NH1st Husband: Alonzo Howe Sr. Their Son: Alonzo Howe Jr.2nd Husband: William Hackett of Sunnipee NH Their Daughter: Abbie Hackett Carlt...
There seem to be 2 People that Share my Y DNA at 67 Markers with Abraham Howe from Sudbury, Mass. 1589 Boad Oak England ,Essex. Hatfield. These are the most Distant Ancestor. I need to find one that made it to Michigan around 1948.
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