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  • Adam Hope (1729 - 1813)
  • Sir Alexander Hope, Kt. (1611 - 1680)
  • Sir Alexander Hope of Pinkie, 15th Baronet (1824 - 1918)
    Biographical Summary ==" Sir Alexander Hope, Baronet [S 1628] of Pinkie , brother and heir, being the 7th son of the 11th Baronet; born 22 October 1824; served in the Bengal Civil Service, 1845-75; suc...
  • Sir Alexander Hope, Kt. (1637 - 1673)
    Biographical Summary ==" Sir Alexander of Kerse , born 6, baptized 12 December 1637, created Baronet 30 May 1672, died December 1673, and was buried in the Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 1 January 1674. He mar...
  • Ann Hope (1640 - d.)

About the Hope surname

Holy Island

Hope Name Meaning

Scottish and English: topographic name for someone who lived in a small, enclosed valley, Middle English hop(e), or a habitational name from a place named with this word, of which there are examples in North Yorkshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Clwyd, Devon, Herefordshire, Kent, Sussex, and elsewhere.

The surname is most common in Scotland and northern England, and it is also established in Ireland.

Norwegian: habitational name from any of several farmsteads, notably in Hordaland, so named from Old Norse hóp ‘narrow bay’.