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Hone Genealogy and Hone Family History Information

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  • Aira Kaal (1911 - 1988)
    Aira Kaal (kuni aastani 1938 Alma-Vilhelmine Kaal, alates aastast 1939 Aira Hone, pseudonüüm Reet Uielu; 7. november 1911 Uuemõisa vald, Saaremaa – 7. aprill 1988) oli eesti kirjanik. Mat...
  • Arthur Robert Hone (1915 - 1972)
    Arthur Robert Hone (18. veebruar 1915 London – 9. juuni 1972 Tartu) oli inglise keele õppejõud Tartu ülikoolis.
  • Joan Bodley (c.1518 - c.1586)
    Joan Bodley is the daughter of John Hone of Ottery St. Mary and the wife of John Bodley of Exeter according to The visitations of the county of Devon : Comprising the herald's visitations of 1531, 1564...
  • Judith Hone (bef.1593 - d.)
    Aylmer, Judith Thomas Home of Farnham, who married Judith, daughter of Theophilus Aylmer, Archdeacon of London.OriginTheophilus was born say 1621,[1] He was a son of Thomas Hone and Judith Ailmer/Aylme...
  • Judith Armistead (c.1645 - 1693)
    Biography Judith Hone , daughter of Theophilus Hone and his 1st wife, married say 1666 in Virginia to John Armistead, son of William Armistead. Children: Judith Armistead, oldest daughter, b ca 16...

About the Hone surname

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