There are already 12 users and 1,142 genealogy profiles with the Hiestand surname on Geni. Explore Hiestand genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Emigrated to Philidelphia in 8 Oct. 1737 on the Charming Nancy with 4 children
List of foreigners imported in the ship Charming Nancy of London, Chas. Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam. Qualified Oct. 8...
Birth: 1650 - Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Death: Apr 29 1694 - Richterswil, Bezirk Horgen, Zürich, Switzerland
Parents: Johann Johann Adam Adam Bauer, Anna Maria Eleonora Beyer (née Fuhrs Boyer)
Anna Leuthold was married to Jung Hans Hiestand's father, not his descendant. She was not married to Heinrich Hiestand of 1704-1779. Please look at the dates more closely. * Updated from MyHeritage Fam...
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