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  • Abigail Hide (1695 - 1775)
    : Abigail Silliman Given Name: Abigail Surname: Silliman 1 2 Sex: F Birth: in Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA 2 Christening: 12 May 1695 Christ Church, Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connec...
  • Ann Hide (bef.1718 - d.)
    438 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE From the above evidence there would appear to be no question that Jonathan Hide married a daughter of Thomasr Todd, as Mrs. Elizabeth8 Moore, Thomas8 Todd and Willi...
  • Ann Hide (c.1618 - 1684)
    Children: John. Married Elizabeth Harvey. Sarah. Married 1) Peter Coley 2) William Sherman Hannah. Married William Sprague. Survived Humphrey. Sources Families of Old Fairfield , by Ja...
  • Daniel Hyde (c.1515 - d.)
    4. Katherine, who married Daniel Hide. They had one son by 1546, who was not named in the wills. A Daniel Hyde, who was Vicar of Haselor died testate in 1571, may be the same person.Links*
  • Daughter Hide (bef.1699 - bef.1718)
    438 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE From the above evidence there would appear to be no question that Jonathan Hide married a daughter of Thomas5 Todd, as Mrs. Elizabeth8 Moore, Thomas8 Todd and Willi...

About the Hide surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Hide surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Hide surname.

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