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Harding Genealogy and Harding Family History Information

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  • Harding (1680 - 1737)
  • Abigail Harris (1689 - c.1731)
  • Brigadier General Abner Clark Harding, (USA) (1807 - 1874)
    Clark Harding (February 10, 1807 - July 19, 1874) was a U.S. Representative from Illinois.BiographyBorn in East Hampton, Connecticut, Harding attended Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, where he stud...
  • Maj. Abraham Harding, I (1720 - c.1806)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for NEW YORK. DAR Ancestor # A050147 Abraham Harding II, son of Stephen III was born June 14, 1720 at Warwick, Kent, RI. He married Anna Dolson in 1741 at Waterford...
  • Abraham Harding, of Medfield (1615 - 1655)
    Abraham Harding===* b.Abt 1615 Boreham, Essex, England* d.22 Mar 1654/55 Medfield, Norfolk, MassachusettsAnn (Harding) Buttolph was sister of ROBERT HARDING (who came to Boston in 1630), Abraham Hardin...

About the Harding surname

As far as I can trace the Harding name , with the help of steven Harding's web site. DNA has the Harding's most populated area, with our dna to Gotland Island in the baltic sea. Then to Norway ,scotland and england ! In that order more or less ! FYI

 Donald Harding * {{[]}}