There are already 358 users and over 13,961 genealogy profiles with the Good surname on Geni. Explore Good genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Good Boy was a Teton Sioux (Sicangu Lakota Oyate) man
Born in 1853 somewhere in Wyoming, ( Curator Note : the January 21-23, 1920 census for Mellette County, South Dakota says Good boy ws...
Alan Good (12 July 1867 — 30 April 1938) was a New Zealand rugby union player who represented the All Blacks in 1893. His position of choice was wing three-quarter. Good did not play any test matches a...
Alee Mildred Good Burgess BIRTH 12 Mar 1889 DEATH 2 Aug 1923 (aged 34) BURIAL West Oakwood Cemetery Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South Carolina, USA MEMORIAL ID 68408433 · View SourceMEMORIAL PHOT...
Marriage to Lt. Joseph Cunningham ll: (7 Oct 1761 — Age: 19) Lancaster, Lancaster, PA, USA
Residence: (1790 — Age: 48) Rowan, North Carolina, United States
Burial: Lexington, Davidson County, Nor...
The Good Surname derives from Guth in Germany. Guth is the German word for Good so the transition once in the US was easy. Most who immigrated to the US wanted to blend in so they took the english version of thier names.
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