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Gille Genealogy and Gille Family History Information

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  • Bethóc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus (1184 - 1270)
    Bethoc (Beatrix) nic Gille Crist of Angus==Parents: Gille Crist, Mormaer (Earl) of Angus , son of Alan Stewart, 2nd Great Steward of Scotland.Birth: 1180, Forfar, Angusshire, ScotlandMarried to Walter ...
  • Queen of Sweden Brigida Haraldsdotter Gille of Norway (c.1130 - 1202)
    Brigida Haraldsdatter Gille, af Norge==* Brigida Haraldsdotter, was the illegitimate daughter of King Harald IV of Norway. Her mother is unknown, but she was possibly Tora Gudmundsdotter, long-term lov...
  • Duncan, 5th Earl of Angus (1170 - c.1210)
    5th Earl of Angus Duncan of Angus died between 1207 and 1214.See "My Lines" ( ) from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA( )
  • Finnghuala Macsinhill daughter of Sinhill, Mormaer of Angus (c.1033 - aft.1078)
    Finnghuala of Angus was born about 1033 in Angusshire,Scotland. She married Lulach Mormaer King of Scotland about 1045 in Scotland. The name "Finnghuala" is unattested.The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, s.a. 1...
  • Gille Earl of the Hebrides (958 - 990)
    Gille, Earl of the Hebrides.Married: Svanlaug HlodvadóttirLINKSLANDS[SVANLAUG or Nereid. m (Orkney 990) GILLI Jarl of the Hebrides 988-1014.]

About the Gille surname

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