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Drury Genealogy and Drury Family History Information

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  • Alice Anastasia Drury (1750 - 1801)
    after 1796 from St. Mary's County, Maryland to Union, Kentucky.from:
  • Alice Drury (1410 - 1467)
  • Alice Washington (c.1657 - 1708)
    Seen as child of John Savage & Judith Rachel Savage , but her maiden name is seen as Hill, Cole, and Savage. Alice married 4 times: 1) Stephen Gill 2) William Drury 3) Peter Bond 4) Phillip Washington....
  • Allen Stuart Drury (1918 - 1998)
    Stuart Drury (September 2, 1918 – September 2, 1998) was a U.S. novelist. He wrote the 1959 novel Advise and Consent, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1960.Early life & ancestry He wa...
  • Amabilia Drury (c.1320 - 1365)
    Please do-not merge the tree match....YET

About the Drury surname

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