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  • Abigail Thacher (1721 - 1753)
    Abigail (Crocker) Thatcher (1721 - 1753) Abigail Thatcher formerly Crocker Born 2 Apr 1721 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts Baymap ANCESTORS ancestors Daughter of Timothy Crocker and Melatiah...
  • Abigail Crocker (1742 - 1800)
    Biography Abigail Leonard was born on 19 May 1742 in Raynham, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Captain Zephaniah and Hannah Leonard. She was the second daughter in her family who was named Abi...
  • Abigail Morse Ellis (1801 - 1863)
  • Abraham Crocker (1758 - 1829)
    Mayflower descendant and revolutionary war veteran - his 3ggrandfather was John Howland and his 4ggrandfather was Edward Fuller -tcdSon of John Crocker & Mary Crocker . Husband of Mary Crocker , ABRAHA...
  • Alice Crocker (1698 - 1783)
    Biography===Alice (Swift) Crocker was born about 23 Jul 1698 in Sandwich, Massachusetts to Jirah Swift and Abigail (Gibbs) Swift. She is the sister of Susannah (Swift) Isham, Jabez Swift, Zephaniah Swi...

About the Crocker surname


English (of Norman origin): habitational name from any of the various places in Normandy, France, called Crèvecoeur (‘heartbreak’), from Old French creve(r) ‘to break or destroy’, ‘to die’ + ceur ‘heart’, a reference to the infertility and unproductiveness of the land. English: occupational name for a potter, Middle English crockere, an agent derivative of Middle English crock ‘pot’ (Old English croc(ca)).

also Americanized spelling of German Krocker.

other versions of this surname