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Cornell Genealogy and Cornell Family History Information

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  • Abigail Northrup (1691 - 1759)
  • Anita Merrill Paterson (1872 - 1945)
    Anita Merrill Paterson (Kellogg) Name Mrs. Anita Merrill Kellogg Cornell Gender Female Birth Place California Relative Silas Kellogg of Massachusetts. Father Charles Winslow Kellogg Mother Anita R...
  • Ann Duryea (deceased)
  • Ann Lepper (bef.1635 - c.1715)
    Ann CORNELL born in 1635 and was christened 02 AUG 1635 in Saffron Walden, Essex, Eng. She married #Thomas KENT on ABT 1660 in Portsmouth, Newport, RI. He was born ABT 1630 in England, and died 2 JUN 1...
  • Anna Smith (c.1659 - bef.1729)
    Anna CORNELL b: ABT 1659 in Merrick, Queens County, New York Will, Abstract of "In the name of God, Amen. September 3, 1728. I, ANNE SMITH, widow of Jeremiah Smith, of Hempstead, in Queens County, be...

About the Cornell surname

Cornell är namnet på en svensk släkt som härstammar från Christoffer Horn. Han bodde i mitten av 1600-talet i Fors, Brattfors socken, Värmland. Hans sonsons son Johan Horn latiniserade namnet och blev Johan Cornell (1751–1790), pastorsadjunkt i Steneby församling, Karlstads stift.

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other possible versions of this surname