There are already 493 users and over 21,299 genealogy profiles with the Cobb surname on Geni. Explore Cobb genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Stewart 3 June 1686–3 September 1766Birth • 2 Sources 3 June 1686 Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, British Colonial AmericaAge 80 Death • 1 Sources 3 September 1766 Portland, Cumberland, Mai...
Abigail Shores Cobb
BIRTH 1744
Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA
DEATH 8 Feb 1832 (aged 87–88)
Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA
Westville Cemetery
Taunton, Bristol County, ...
Her tombstone reads: "In memory of Abigail Wife of Ens, Morgan Cobb died January 30th 1765 in the 81 year of her age".
From Paine Ancestry. The Family of Robert Treat Paine, Signer of the Declaratio...
Cobb Name Meaning from the Middle English byname or personal name Cobbe, Cobba, or its Old Norse cognate Kobbi, which are probably from an element meaning ‘lump’, used to denote a large man. from a reduced form of Jacob.
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