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Clopton Genealogy and Clopton Family History Information

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  • Agnes Crane (1548 - aft.1619)
    Agnes was married four times:# John Smith of Halesworth, Suffolk# Francis Clopton of Melford, Suffolk# (Sir) Christopher Heydon (d. 10 Dec. 1579) of Baconsthorpe, Norfolk# (Sir) Edward Clere of Ormesby...
  • Alfwen de Clopton (c.1070 - c.1088)
    parentage or ancestry of Guillaume Pecche (William Peccatum) is unknown and there seems to be little chance of determining his origins. It has been suggested that there was a close relationship between...
  • Alice Darcy (c.1427 - 1455)
    DARCY2Alice DARCYBorn: ABT 1427, Gripping, Essex, EnglandDied: AFT 1450, Essex, EnglandFather: Robert DARCY (Sir Knight)Mother: Alice FITZLANGLEYMarried: John CLOPTON ABT 1449, Malden, Essex, EnglandCh...

About the Clopton surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Clopton surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Clopton surname.

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