There are already 410 users and over 11,773 genealogy profiles with the Clifford surname on Geni. Explore Clifford genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Married 1) Edward Wyer 2) Nicholas Lawrence Jr. 3) Edward Clifford===References*The genealogies and estates of Charlestown : in the county of Middlesex and commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1629-1818, Vol...
Family Group Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Husband's Name Piers BRAOSE (BREUSE) (AFN:9G93-34) Pedigree Born:...
Clifford is of French extraction Pons / Pontz came over with Will Conk 1066 changed his name to De Clifford from The Castle on a Cliff over the Ford at Hay on Why Glostershire Viking origin Kind Regards John Clifford
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