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Cheney Genealogy and Cheney Family History Information

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  • Abigail Cheney (c.1263 - 1320)
    documentation needed. Thomas' wife is unknown on
  • Agnes Heath (1560 - aft.1604)
    Alice was named in the wills of both her father and of her uncle, William Harrison. ["The Heath Connection: English Origins of Isaac and William Heath of Roxbury, Massachusetts, John Johnson, Edward M...
  • Agnes Cheney (c.1695 - aft.1745)
    She was probably not born a Deal(e).Agnes married John Deale after Charles death. (She was probably considerably younger than Charles Cheney - check birth dates of her children.)
  • Agnes de Saye (c.1250 - 1275)
    Agnes de Saye ( of Berling, Seale, Eng.) Reported to have been born in Street, Sussex, Eng. ABT 1250 She Married Sir Alexander de Cheney (aka Cheyne & Cheny) who was born in 1248 in Newtimber, Sussex...
  • Agnes Cheney (1464 - 1487)

About the Cheney surname

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