There are already 200 users and over 5,489 genealogy profiles with the Charlton surname on Geni. Explore Charlton genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Apley Castle was a moated, fortified manor house in Hadley near Wellington.[1] By the early 14th century the manor was owned by the Charlton family, who had become major landowners in the region, and i...
British Archeaology show, "Time Team" season 5, episode 6, Aston Eyre, Shropshire (can be found on You-Tube), deals with the manor house built by Allen of Charleton and his wife, Margery - who was the ...
DE CORNHILL, HEIRESS OF EAST TWYFORD / Circa 1355 - 1416Alice de Cornhill was the daughter of John de Cornhill of Twyford Manor, Middlesex (circa 1330 - circa 1359) and his wife, Elizabeth _______. Ali...
NOTE from Craig Sheldon : According to William Smith Ellis ("Notes to Pedigree of Hord", as printed in The Topographer and Genealogist , Vol. I, 1846, edited by John Gough Nichols), the wife of William...
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