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  • 1st wife of John Bissell (c.1596 - 1641)
    John Bissell, the immigrant, had six known children, all by his first wife who d. of record at Windsor, Conn. May 21, 1641. (I cannot change this, but some sites say his wife was MARY DARBIE DRAKE 1598...
  • 2nd wife of John Bissell (c.1615 - 1665)
    1969 the eminent genealogist, Donald Lines Jacobus, wrote:>May I try to set the record straight once again? [The immigrant] John1 Bissell [Sr.] did indeed die in 1677; there is no authority that I know...
  • Abigail Phelps (1681 - 1750)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R151050919@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Fami...
  • Abigail Sanders (1640 - 1725)
    iv ABIGAIL, b. Windsor 14 February 1639[/40] [Grant 50]; m. Windsor 11 October 1655 Thomas Bissell [CTVR 42; Grant 23].From : “widow of George Sanders, former wife of Thomas Bissell, Age 84” From Savag...
  • Abigail Eno (1661 - 1728)
    (f/g) Abigail Bissell Eno Birth: Jul. 6, 1661 Windsor Hartford County Connecticut, USA Death: Apr. 19, 1728 Windsor Hartford County Connecticut, USA[see f/g # 41024540 for extended bio]Family links: ...

About the Bissell surname

Bissell Name Meaning. English: from Middle English buyscel, busshell, bysshell 'bushel', 'measure of grain' (Old French boissel, buissel, of Gaulish origin), hence a metonymic occupational name for a grain merchant or factor, one who measured grain, dating back to the wave of migration that followed the Norman conquest of England in 1066 . Additionally from the Yiddish 'bissel', meaning "a little bit". Respelling of German Biesel.

Bissell Name Meaning & Bissell Family History at