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Bellingham Genealogy and Bellingham Family History Information

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  • (Unnamed Child) Bellingham (b. - bef.1629)
    Children of Richard and Elizabeth===# Samuel was born about 1622. Harvard College 1642; he was called "Doctor" in New England records, possibly he attend University of Leiden, M.D. He married by 1650 t...
  • (Unnamed Child) Bellingham (b. - bef.1628)
    Children of Richard and Elizabeth===# Samuel was born about 1622. Harvard College 1642; he was called "Doctor" in New England records, possibly he attend University of Leiden, M.D. He married by 1650 t...
  • Aaron Bellingham (1781 - 1842)
  • Agnes Curwen (c.1554 - 1630)
    Agnes CURWEN* Father: Henry CURWEN b: MAY 1528 in Cumberland * Mother: Mary FAIRFAX b: in GillingMarriage 1 James BELLINGHAMChildren# Mary BELLINGHAM# Thomas BELLINGHAM# Henry BELLINGHAM b: C. 1594# Al...
  • Sir Henry Bellingham, 4th Baronet Bellingham, JP (1846 - 1921)
    Alan Henry Bellingham August 23, 1846-June 9, 1921 commonly known as Henry Bellingham, was a British Conservative politician and barrister-at-law. Parents: Sir Alan Bellingham 1800-1889 and Elizabeth C...

About the Bellingham surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Bellingham surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Bellingham surname.

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