There are already 220 users and over 5,183 genealogy profiles with the Aaron surname on Geni. Explore Aaron genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A000005 ===Notes for Abraham Aaron: researchers report that Abraham Aaron, Sr. was married at least twice.No record has been found nami...
Alice Jane Aaron Harden BIRTH 22 Jun 1873 DEATH 12 Feb 1968 (aged 94) Floyd County, Georgia, USA BURIAL Swamp Creek Cemetery Carbondale, Whitfield County, Georgia, USA MEMORIAL ID 89277399 · View Sour...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:* Aron, Anna* geb. Bonwitt * geboren am 14. Februar 1876 * in Rodenberg/Rinteln (Grf. Schaumburg)/Hessen-Nassau* wohnhaft in Berlin (Kreuzberg) und * in Berlin...
Annie Doris Aaron Hart BIRTH 10 Feb 1920 Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi, USA DEATH 27 Jul 2007 (aged 87) Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama, USA BURIAL Spring Creek Baptist Church Cemetery Spring...
Frequently a last name of Jewish people who are from the priest class (the original member of the Judaic priesthood was Aaron, Moses' brother, and the honor was passed down tribally through the father.
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