List of United States Representatives from Missouri Missouri's current delegation to the United States House of Representatives as of January 2025: 1st district -- Wesley Bell 2nd district -- Ann Wagner 3rd district -- Bob Onder 4th district -- Mark Alford 5th district -- Emanuel Cleaver 6th district -- Sam Graves
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija Otoka Šolta / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia Island Solta=Otok Šolta / Island Solta= Hr | En | It | De Ovaj projekt uključuje mjesta na otoku Šolta / This project include a places and settlements on the Island SoltaMatične crkvene knjige otoka Šolte / Church Catolich records of Island Solta, FamilySearch * Grohote Matične crkvene knji...
Kogume siia projekti Kuusalu kihelkonnas sündinud ja selle kihelkonnaga seotud ärksamad - tegusamad" inimesed eri piirkondadest. Lisaks erinevates sõdades võidelnud ja osalenud inimesed, medalite omanikud, näit. I Ilmasõda, Vabadussõda, Soomepoisid, luurajad, sõjaväelased, õpetajad , kultuur, muusika, kohtunikud, seltsides osalejad, Kaitseliit, metsavennad, jne, jne...Põhajlikumalt uurijatel on...
This project is to tag profiles created in Geni from Bundesarchiv Gedenkbuch information where, after reasonably wide-ranging internet searches, one is unable to identify any family relationships. The 'About' section must explain which sources have been checked. As additional records are released to the internet, some of these "mysteries" may be solved! Or maybe there is something that one has...
Projekti aloitettu 5.2.2022. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Nerkoo Kihniön ja Parkanon kylät on jaoteltu tässä seuraavasti; Kihniön kylät Kankari I Kihniö I Nerkoo I Parkanon kylät Alaskylä I Aurejärvi I Kuivasjärvi I Lapinneva I LInna I Niinineva I Parkano ...
Welcome to the USA Portal! The USA Portal is here to facilitate those researching ancestors or relatives in the United States, or elsewhere in the world but with American roots. We encourage everyone with links in the United States to communicate and explore a common ancestry. In this portal you will find sources and discussions that will help you with your research. In case you have a partic...
This is the Project that every unlinked Botes profile [abbreviation UNL] should be added to first. Any person whose born/maiden name is BOTES and for whom there is no answer to the question: WHO IS HIS/HER FATHER? should be listed here. The intention of this project is to be a hub of information for unlinked Botes Profiles so that through collaboration, they could be linked to his/her father in...
from Wikipedia Mort pour la France ( Died for France ) is a legal expression in France and an honour awarded to people who died during a conflict, usually in service of the country. Definition: The term is defined in L.488 to L.492 (bis) of the Code of Military Disability Pensions and War Victims It applied to members of the French military forces who died in action or from an injury or an ...
This project revolves around the history of Carrick-on-Suir and the genealogical history of the residents of Carrick-on-Suir and the general area surrounding the town. This includes the profiles of those who were born, married, died and those who have origins to the area.
BUSSI SUL TIRINO - De Dominicis CEPAGATTI - D'Andreamatteo CIVITACQUANA - De Profio CITTA S. ANGELO - Pieramico CORVARA - Di Giacomo Lettomanoppello - D'Alfonso LORETO APRUTINO - Giacomo Acerbo MONTESILVANO - Piero Orsini, Pieramico, PENNE - Locasciolo Pescosansonesco _ Di Benedetto, Palmerino PIANELLA - Marino POPOLI - Giarratano, Francesca Cipriani, Serramonacesca - Mancini A...
CAPERGNANICA - Vailati, Venturelli CASALMAGGIORE - Bastoni Corte de' Cortesi con Cignone - Isabella Rè DOVERA - Cambiè IZANO - Bussoleni Acquanegra Cremonese, Agnadello, Annicco, Azzanello, Bagnolo Cremasco, Bonemerse, Bordolano, Ca' d'Andrea, Calvatone, Camisano, Campagnola Cremasca, , Cappella Cantone, Cappella de' Picenardi, Capralba, Casalbuttano ed Uniti, Casale Cremasco-Vidolasco, C...
Projekti aloitettu 22.8.2017. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Mellilässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Varsinais-Suomi ja Satakunta ja Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin ===Mellilän paikkakuntaprojekti===* Mellilä suomeksi Mellilä på svenska * Mellilä in English än kunnan varhaishistoriaa Mellilä, joka sijaitsee kolmen vanhan maa-kunnan, Varsinais- ...
This is a village project of Rikkilä in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala
Ciapparelli, Mezzanzanica, Comuni di Legnano, Parabiago, Nerviano, San Giorgio su Legnano, Canegrate, San Vittore Olona, Cerro Maggiore, Villa Cortese, Rescaldina, Busto Garolfo, Dairago
Emilio Salgari, COLOGNA VENETA - Scolari CONCAMARISE - Garbelli MALCESINE - Viviani NEGRAR - Tomamsi POVEGLIANO - Lory Del Santo SAN BONIFACIO - REbellin SORGA' - Ascari Affi, Albaredo d'Adige, Angiari, Arcole, Badia Calavena, Bardolino, Belfiore, Bevilacqua, Bonavigo, Boschi Sant'Anna, Bosco Chiesanuova, Bovolone, Brentino Belluno, Brenzone sul Garda, Bussolengo, Buttapietra, Caldiero...
The Talmud states, "Michal the daughter of King Saul used to wear tefillin, and the sages did not protest" (Eruvin 96a). =Women Torah Scholars* Miriam Luria (Spira) - מרים לוריא * Chanah, Rashi's grand-daughter - חנה, נכדת רש"י * Elvina, Rashi's grand-daughter - אלווינה, נכדת רש"י, * Miriam RIBAN - מרים, אשת ריב"ם * Yocheved Kalonimus - קלונימוס יוכבד * Rachel Jocelin - רחל ג'וסלין
Tuletõrjet võib võrrelda kaitseväega ja seda täie õigusega. Iga sõdur paneb lahingusse minnes kaalule oma elu ja tervise. Samad ohud on ka tuletõrjuja töös. Mehiste meeste mehine amet! Säilinud on väga vähe nimekirju vabatahtlike tuletõrjujate ühingute isikkoosseisu kohta. Alltoodud 101 nime on leitud nii säilinud fotode põhjal kui arhiividokumentide alusel, kus on esitatud tuletõrjujad hoolsus...
Legion of Honour , officially National Order of the Legion of Honour, French Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur , Legion of Honour - premier order of the French republic, created by Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul, on May 19, 1802, as a general military and civil order of merit conferred without regard to birth or religion provided that anyone admitted swears to uphold liberty and equa...
Kopparö är en gammal by i Pargas som varit bebyggd med gårdar sedan åtminstone 1500-talets början men har även besökt kortvarigt av människor långt före det. De historia gårdarna i byn heter Uppgård, Böhls, Västergård och Mellangård. Historiska stavelsevariationer på bynamnet är bl.a "Kåparöö, Kåperöö, Kaperöö och kapparö" Till grannbyarna hör bl.a följande; Fallböle, Lofsdal, Pjukala & Ersby ...
The United States secretary of health and human services is the head of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all health matters. The secretary is a member of the United States Cabinet. The office was formerly known as the secretary of health, education, and welfare. In 1980, the Department of Heal...
Wisconsin Governors===List of Governors of Wisconsin==