CESSALTO - Gabbana GAIARINE - Zanfretta MONTEBELLUNA - Piovesnan NERVESA - Campeotto ODERZO - Obici, Segato ORSAGO - Buttignol OSIGO - Zanette POSSAGNO - Dal Broi PREGANZIOL - Pillon, Michael Bublè family REFRONTOLO - Stival SALGAREDA - Severino Poletto San Biagio di Callalta - Ficotto SARMEDE - de Biasi SUSEGANA - Zambon VITTORIO VENETO - Castagner Altivole, Arcade, Asolo, Bo...
Hennan kylä =Henna on Orimattilan kylä. = Projekti =Projektin tavoitteena on koota yhteen Hennan kylässä syntyneet, asuneet, kuolleet tai muuten vaikuttaneet henkilöt. Toivomus olisi, että liitetystä profiilista jotenkin selviää henkilö yhteys Hennan kylään silloinkin kun kyse ei ole syntymä- tai kuolinpaikasta. Voit aloittaa liittymällä projektiin yhteistyökumppaniksi , kohdasta Toiminnot > Li...
ARCEVIA - Busiri Vici CUPRAMONTANA - Bonci, SCuppa, SENIGALLIA Agugliano, Ancona, Arcevia, Barbara, Belvedere Ostrense, Camerano, Camerata Picena, Castelbellino, Castelfidardo, Castelleone di Suasa, Castelplanio, Cerreto d'Esi, Chiaravalle, Corinaldo, , Fabriano, Falconara Marittima, Filottrano, Genga, Jesi, Loreto, Maiolati Spontini, Mergo, Monsano, Monte Roberto, Monte San Vito, Montecaro...
Ryhmä Suomessa toimineille forsmestareille, metsänhoitajille, metsäpäällysmiehille, metsänvartijoille, metsätyönjohtajille, metsäteknikoille ja metsäinsinööreille. Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnassa 1800-luvulla metsänhoitaja oli yhtäältä arvostettu, toisaalta tavallista kansaa epäilyttävä ammatti. Metsänhoito oli varsinkin syrjäseuduilla varsin tuntematonta. Lakisääteisen metsänhoidon myötä "metsäh...
The National Hockey League ( NHL ; French: Ligue nationale de hockey — LNH ) is a professional ice hockey league composed of 30 member clubs: 23 in the United States and 7 in Canada. Headquartered in New York City, the NHL is considered to be the premier professional ice hockey league in the world, and one of the major professional sports leagues in the United States and Canada. The Stanley Cup...
Lace Makers= Pictured right: Maltese Lace It seems most likely that what we now regard as lace arose in the early sixteenth century. Early references to ‘lace’ in English texts almost certainly refer to ‘ties’, as this was the primary meaning of the word lace until well into the seventeenth century.There is pictorial evidence from the late fifteenth century of simple plaited laces used on costu...
Italian Heritage >> Experience unparalleled Italian culture by taking a virtual tour of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. >>>*]]]]]]
=Cancer= ==Please only add Geni profiles for those who died of cancer to this "umbrella" project if the more specific form of cancer is not known . If it "is" known but not currently a Geni project - start one or leave a message in the Cause of Death Projects needed??? discussion.== In 2015, there will be an estimated 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 589,430 cancer deaths in the US. ===...
Myocardial infarction (MI) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI) , commonly known as a heart attack , occurs when blood flow stops to part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. The most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which may travel into the shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw. Often it is in the center or left side of the chest and lasts for more than a few minutes. The di...
CASOLI Sciamanda (DiLuzio) CORROPOLI - Giosia MONTEPAGANO - Celommi, Elio Belisari TORANO NUOVO - Comi 27 dec 2022 da CHieti
Pohjanmaa projektin alueen aliprojekti - paikkakunta, erikoisprojektit ja ammattikuntaprojektit. Tälle projektisivulle kootaan Pohjanmaan projektin alueen kaikki perustetut paikkakuntaprojektit, kylä- ja taloprojektit, erikoisprojektit ja ammattikuntaprojektit. Muistathan merkitä myös paikkakunnan projektin sivustolle tiedoksi, mitä projekteja on jo tehty paikkakunnalle. . Ruotsin puolella ole...
Aloitettu 28.7.2019 ==Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi==Kirkkolan kylä ja talonhaltijaprojekteihin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin)Kun lisäät Kirkkolassa asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot oikeassa kohdassa, tämä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua. Paikkatiedon tallenus profiiliin ==Kuvaus==Rautakaudelle ulottuva as...
Projekti aloitettiin 24.9.2017 Sammatti on Uudenmaan maakunnassa sijaitseva Suomen entinen kunta. Sammatti yhdistyi vuoden 2009 alussa Lohjan kaupunkiin Sammatti Hiskissä - Sammatti Wikipedia - Sammatin kylät (Hiskin mukaan) Haarijärvi (Haarjärvi), Kaukola, Kiikala, Leikkilä, Lohilampi, Luskala, Myllykylä, Niemenkylä, Sammatti Historia Sammatista tunnetaan kahdeksan esihi...
This cemetery is located on 5801 East Grant Road, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. It's also known as Grantwood Memorial Park , Tucson Memorial Park East Lawn and Woodlawn Cemetery . The cemetery is a non-denominational. The cemetery personnel limit requests for marker locations to two per day. This cemetery will only accept plot requests from family members. So, first get a plot location from th...
Portal to Geni Projects dedicated to "occupations." No profiles please - Add profiles to the projects listed below instead Please consider creating occupation sub-portal projects to group together allied occupations. A Abracadabra.... (magicians and illusionists) Abstractors Accountants and Bookkeepers Administrative Assistant - see Secretaries Agricultural Labourers Air Traffi...
BOSCOREALE - Cirillo, Guastafierro, CASTELLAMARE DI STABIA - Cannavale, Schettino CERCOLA - MARIGLIONE - Mautone MUGNANO DI N. - Fiorellino PORTICI - Vergara Caffarelli seiano Gellento SORRENTO - Yaccarino VICO EQUENSE - Civitillo, Cannavacciuolo
CANAL SAN BOVO - Libera Gobber, GIOVO - Famiglia Moser MERANO - Jori STORO - Monticelli TORCEGNO - Domenico Zurlo, I 227 comuni che costituiscono la provincia di Trento sono: Ala, Albiano, Aldeno, Altavalle, Altopiano della Vigolana, Amblar, Amblar-Don, Andalo, Arco, Avio, Baselga di Pinè, Bedollo, Besenello, Bieno, Bleggio Superiore, Bocenago, Bolbeno, Bondo, Bondone, Borgo Chiese, Bor...
Here we collect profiles that have typos, errors, ambiguities. Please, write what is the problem in the discussion of the profile It is not yet clear who can contact with While digitation of the cards a lot of errors have been made. These errors are additional to the errors which were done because of the used sources. Curators of the project are not ready to support correction of the errors a...
Lieksa locality project =Genealogy project for Lieksa and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join project". == Lie...
ALFEDENA - Erminia Melone AVEZZANO - Pescante, Fracassi, Lino Guanciale, BARREA - Campana BUGNARA - Vittorio Clemente CANSANO - Gino D. Ruscitti CAPESTRANO - Giovanna Flammini Caporciano - De Matteis Carapelle Calvisio - DE Lauretis CASTEL DI SANGRO Castelvecchio Subequo - Casale CELANO - PAris Cese Dei Marsi Cipollone collarmele - Beniamino Demetrio Cipriani COLLELGONO - DEl Tur...