Portal to Geni Project dedicated to medically related projects NO PROFILES please - Add profiles to the projects listed below instead This is an entree to indexed medically related projects on genealogy Geni, please add yours. Feel free to add headings, sub projects & resources. Please add Related projects & tags as needed. If you don’t find a heading that fits or you have a question of...
Tämä on Paikkakunta Pyhäjoen aliprojekti. Kerätään tähän projektiin Pyhäjoen Parhalahden kantatalot ja niiden haltijaluettelot. Projektia voi jatkaa myöhemmin erillisiksi taloprojekteiksi. Kantataloluettelon lähteenä on käytetty Suur-Pyhäjoen historian talojen haltijoiden luetteloita, jotka perustuvat aikakautensa lähteisiin (Pohjanmaan läänin myöh. Oulun läänin asiakirjoihin: maakirjoihin ja ...
Tämä on Paikkakunta Pyhäjoen aliprojekti. Kerätään tähän projektiin Pyhäjoen Pirttikosken kantatalot ja niiden haltijaluettelot. Projektia voi jatkaa myöhemmin erillisiksi taloprojekteiksi. Kantataloluettelon lähteenä on käytetty Suur-Pyhäjoen historian talojen haltijoiden luetteloita, jotka perustuvat aikakautensa lähteisiin (Pohjanmaan läänin myöh. Oulun läänin asiakirjoihin: maakirjoihin ja...
Tämä on Paikkakunta Pyhäjoen aliprojekti. Kerätään tähän projektiin Pyhäjoen Limingojan kantatalot ja niiden haltijaluettelot. Projektia voi jatkaa myöhemmin erillisiksi taloprojekteiksi. Kantataloluettelon lähteenä on käytetty Suur-Pyhäjoen historian talojen haltijoiden luetteloita, jotka perustuvat aikakautensa lähteisiin (Pohjanmaan läänin myöh. Oulun läänin asiakirjoihin: maakirjoihin ja e...
Tämä on Paikkakunta Pyhäjoen aliprojekti. Kerätään tähän projektiin Pyhäjoen Yppärin kantatalot ja niiden haltijaluettelot. Projektia voi jatkaa myöhemmin erillisiksi taloprojekteiksi. Kantataloluettelon lähteenä on käytetty Suur-Pyhäjoen historian talojen haltijoiden luetteloita, jotka perustuvat aikakautensa lähteisiin (Pohjanmaan läänin myöh. Oulun läänin asiakirjoihin: maakirjoihin ja erik...
Delta Sigma Theta Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (ΔΣΘ) is a historically African American sorority. The organization was founded by college-educated women dedicated to public service with an emphasis on programs that assist the African American community. Delta Sigma Theta was founded on January 13, 1913 by twenty-two women at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Membership is open to any ...
Xavier University of Louisiana (also known as XULA) is a private, historically black, Catholic university in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is the only Catholic HBCU and, upon the canonization of Katharine Drexel in 2000, became the first Catholic university founded by a saint. In 2018, Xavier had an endowment of approximately $171 million, which was the fifth highest among Louisiana's colleges and...
Wikipedia =Kean University is a coeducational, public university located in Union and Hillside, New Jersey, United States. Kean University serves its students in the liberal arts, the sciences, and the professions and is best known for its programs in the humanities and social sciences and in education, graduating the most teachers in the state of New Jersey annually. Kean is also noted for the...
The University of Puget Sound (or Puget Sound) is a private liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington. It was founded in 1888. The institution offers a variety of undergraduate degrees as well as five graduate programs in counseling, education, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and public health. Puget Sound's athletic programs compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's D...
World War Two: Armed Forces - Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)= Image right Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery inspects a Royal Rhodesia Regiment guard of honour during a visit to the territory in 1947Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery inspects a Royal Rhodesia Regiment guard of honour during a visit to the territory in 1947 This project aims to honour the Rhodesians who fought and/or died during or as a co...
List of United States Representatives from Illinois Illinois' current delegation to the United States House of Representatives as of January 2025: 1st district -- Jonathan Jackson 2nd district -- Robin Kelly 3rd district -- Delia Ramirez 4th district -- Jesus "Chuy" Garcia 5th district -- Mike Quigley
Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ, also known as GPhi) is an international sorority that was founded on November 11, 1874, at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. The term "sorority" was coined for Gamma Phi Beta by Dr. Frank Smalley, a professor at Syracuse University.The four founders are Helen M. Dodge, Frances E. Haven, E. Adeline Curtis and Mary A. Bingham. The sorority's international headquarter...
Wikipedia The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (U of I, University of Illinois, UIUC, or simply Illinois) is a public research-intensive university in the U.S. state of Illinois. A land-grant university, it is the flagship campus of the University of Illinois system. The University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (founded, 1867) is the second oldest public university in the state (a...
Tämä on Paikkakunta Pyhäjoen aliprojekti. Kerätään tähän projektiin Pyhäjoen Pohjankylän kantatalot ja niiden haltijaluettelot. Projektia voi jatkaa myöhemmin erillisiksi taloprojekteiksi. Kantataloluettelon lähteenä on käytetty Suur-Pyhäjoen historian talojen haltijoiden luetteloita, jotka perustuvat aikakautensa lähteisiin (Pohjanmaan läänin myöh. Oulun läänin asiakirjoihin: maakirjoihin ja ...
Mauthausen Concentration Camp (known from the summer of 1940 as Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp) grew to become a small group of Nazi concentration camps that was built around the villages of Mauthausen and Gusen in Upper Austria, roughly 20 kilometres (12 mi) east of the city of Linz. Its history ran from the time of the Anschluss in 1938 to the last week of the Second World War. The lar...
Motala socken i Östergötland ingick i Aska härad, uppgick 1948 i Motala stad och området är sedan 1971 en del av Motala kommun i Östergötlands län, från 2016 inom Motala distrikt.Socknens areal är 77,17 kvadratkilometer land (stadens areal från 1917 på 7,96 oräknad). År 1930 fanns här 7 548 invånare. Delar av tätorten Motala ligger i denna sockens område. Sockenkyrkan Motala kyrka ligger utanfö...
The objective of this project is to build family trees for all Jewish families with members who resided in, were born, married or died in Graz, Austria, or other portions of Austria recorded in the vital records of the Graz Jewish community and Graz population register. These include Jews living in other parts of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola (Krain). Subprojects of this project will include ...
University of California, Berkeley (also referred to as Berkeley, UC Berkeley, California or simply Cal) is a public research university located in Berkeley, California. It is the flagship campus of the University of California system, one of three parts in the state's public higher education plan, which also includes the California State University system and the California Community Colleges ...
Wikipedia =Louisiana State University (officially Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, often referred to as LSU) is a public coeducational university located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.[7] The University was founded in 1853 in what is now known as Pineville, Louisiana, under the name Louisiana State Seminary of Learning & Military Academy. The current LSU main camp...
Hamerník Hamr (z německého Hammer kladivo), neboli puchýrna, je ocelářská a kovářská dílna, která je vybavena kovacím strojem poháněným vodním kolem. Vybavení hamru bylo stejné jako u kovárny – výheň, měchy, kovadliny, svěráky, kladiva, sekáče, útinky, zápustky, kleště, ale navíc zejména vodou poháněné buchary. Hamr je výraz používaný jak pro budovu, tak i pro jeho hlavní stroj, strojně pohán...
Ten projekt ma na celu zbierać profile osób, które mieszkały na terenie dzisiejszego Zawiercia, w historycznych parafiach, znajdujących się w miejscowościach Kromołów (św. Mikołaja) i Skarżyce (św. Trójcy i św. Floriana). This project aims to collect profiles of people who have lived in the area of present-day Zawiercie, in the historical parishes of Kromołów (St Nicholas) and Skarżyce (Holy T...
1. Candidates: Geni profiles are created from documents posted on Linking Our Lithuanian Ancestors-Detroit Facebook group, and those discovered while creating profiles. Candidates are Lithuanians: -that naturalized before moving to Detroit -that naturalized while living in Detroit -born in Scotland, Germany, Russia, France or Canada to Lithuanian-born parents. 2. Permissions: Draugas n...
Portal to Geni Projects dedicated to "cause of death." No profiles please - Add profiles to the projects listed below instead Please index projects devoted to "cause of death" in this Portal project, and add Geni profiles to those specific projects. If you don't see a cause of death project that applies or are unsure which project to put a profile in, please go to the following discussion: ...