Hello! Magdi vagyok es szeretnem megosztani amit tudok veletek. Igy talan segithet informacioval valaki amit megkoszonok. Haz.anyk.szama:26/1916. Volegeny: Radak Jozsef,1891.10.23.moson.RADAK JOZSEF, anya: BRODANOVITS IREN. Menyasszony: MESHAM ERZSEBET 1897.01.11.moson. MESHAM ISTVAN, annyaneve:RIEGLER ERZSEBET. MOSONMAGYAROVAR. KEREM HA VALAKI OSEIMROL, LESZARMAZOTTROL, JO ESETBEN ELO CSALADTA...
This project starts as the Kushners descending from Chaim Kushner who emigrated around 1900 from Baranovich, Russia/Belarus. It also includes Zweibels, Reherts, and Gravitz's
Company D =The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
I have created this new project so that all family members who have joined Geni.com can help me update current family member profiles, as well as add new profiles that I have not yet added. As a collaborator you will be able to make necessary adjustments. Thank you for your help.
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I need more info on my family.