La hija única de Claudia Patricia Chiarla Levin es Mercedes Chiarla (Mechi)
William and Catherine Snider Family of Loudoun County, Virginia
Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Company A =The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Help us build the family tree of Honels. We are looking to connect to others living and also to go back to our ancestor, Baron Karl von Honl who was a Captain in the Swedish Army and went to the Czech lands during the Thirty Years War. He settled there and had a family. This information is recorded in some church there. We are descended from him.
კომპიუტერი ინგლისური სიტყვაა და გამომთვლელს ნიშნავს
I would like it, if we could determine the ancestry of Alcuin, and whether or not he had descendants.Apparently he was of royal or noble blood, born in c735 Yorkshire, Northumbria.I'm sure someone would know which royal family was living in Yorkshire, in this year, and who died around this time, as he was an orphan.Please people, we need to discover it. Alcuin
born in sicillia 02/25/1874 died 05/24/1948
Keluarga ngangkatan
Researching Christian Study of Little Cove, Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Trying to determine his origins
Silsilah Keluarga Kasdiyah Alibasya
Que todos los hermanos y medio hermanos, "lerena bros" compartan sus datos genealógicos. Pasar la voz