An attempt to progress the Latvian Ice family tree as far as possible.
Se publicará en breve un libro sobre la ascendencia de la familia Lavayén, que entronca con las casas reales de España y Francia, remontándose más de 1.000 años en la historia. Estén atentos.
This project was created to help fill in the missing pieces on many of family trees.
kakek mak ayah
Company G === need to lookup ==The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Company F =The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Company F =The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin
Min mormor Olga Maria Lindholm, född Tuominen, föddes i S:t Petersburg 1898.