Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Pearce Family Project

    This is a place where we can share information on the John & Henrietta (Morgan) Pearce Family.

  • Gen. Saturnino Echavez

    Fought in both the Spanish American war and later the Pilipino American war. A major street in Cebu has been named after him. Searching for further documentation and history to him and his descendants.

  • Oemisch Family

    Would love to hear from anyone with any ties to Oemisches



  • sugu võsa kokku tulek

    Suvel saaks kokku sugu võsa te saaks rohkem tutavaks ja koraltaks ürituse kus oleks ka mingi ansambel kes mängiks lõbusaid ja lustakaid lugusi. Se võik toimuda kuskil kaunis isamaa pinna peal kus oleks ka vajadusel ööbimis koht.

  • Off Family

    We are trying to trace the origins of the Off family name. So far we have gone back as far as Carl Fredrick Off who was born near Stuttgart, Germany in mid 1800s.

  • Aleksandro Kandroto giminės (Pečiauskai)

    Aleksandro šeima (dar žinoma, kaip Girniaus) gyveno prie ežero Pečiauskų kaime Prienų raj.

  • Duggirala Family

    Duggirala Family of Nakkapalli

  • Schmitt - Hecht

    Louise Schmitt married Frank Hecht and had four children Donald Hecht, Robert Hecht - Frank Hecht and Louise Hecht Bowman. Donald Hecht is married to Marcia Kalata - Zytnowski - Hecht and Robert Hecht is married to Marilyn Hecht and Louise Hecht Bowman is married to Charles Bowman

  • Girjotienė Family

    Ieškau savo senelės Salomėjos Girjotienės giminaičių. Net jos mergautinės pavardės nežinau:(. Ji palaidota Kaune, Senavos kapinėse. Žinau tik tiek, kad ji kažkada gyveno Kaune, Žaliakalnyje, netoli Sporto halės. Dirbo Tulpės kavinėje. Manau, kad po II Pasaulinio karo gyveno Kuršėnuose. Tikiuosi kokių nors žinių.

  • Wilsnach Family

    Wilsnach family

  • Sinnaeve Family

    ik start dit project op 03 september 2011.

  • William Sly Family

    as far as I am aware this is possibly my great grandfather

  • Kusnetz Family

    seeking to put together geneological study of in Russia the name was Kusnetzsky from Babruisk, near Keiv. Shortened to Kusnetz on Ship manifest (Ellis Island.Org) , the later changed to Smith in about 1920's)..Great grandfather Pincus Kusnetz came from Belruse in 1912 on SS Lappland. He had 4 children with him, 2 were here and 4 left in Russia. (10 in all). There may have been 3 wives. Two, chi...

71301-71325 of 72157 projects