University of Puerto Rico in Cayey (UPR-Cayey) is a state university located in the municipality of Cayey, Puerto Rico.The University of Puerto Rico in Cayey is an autonomous or independent unit of the University of Puerto Rico. It was initially founded as a regional school in 1967 and became a college in 1969. It was awarded autonomy in April 1982.
Legislature of American Samoa or Fono is the territorial legislature of American Samoa. Like most state and territorial legislatures of the United States, it is a bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives and a Senate. The legislature is located in Fagatogo along Pago Pago harbor.
Городская доска почёта Саратова находится на Театральной площади со стороны улицы Радищева. Этот проект предназначен для перечисления людей представленых там. Список Инна Вячеславовна Зубова Вера Алексеевна Кузнецова Вячеслав Петрович Авдеев Игорь Александрович Перепёлкин Виктория Николаевна Австриевская Лаврентий Дмитриевич Рубцов Михаил Леонтьевич Барабаш Елена Олеговна Руси...
Woodslee United Church Cemetery
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Zawoja, Poland. Gesher Galicia - Zawoja
The history of the Birmingham-based removal firm White's Removals and Transport Ltd.
The Imperial Service Medal is a medal affiliated with the Imperial Service Order. The medal was established under the statutes of the Imperial Service Order, on 8 August 1902, by King Edward VII. It is presented to selected civil servants who complete 25 years service upon their retirement.
The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM) was, until 1993, a military decoration awarded to personnel of the British Armed Forces and, from September 1942, to personnel of the Merchant Navy of rank equivalent to that of petty officer or seaman. It could formerly also be awarded to personnel of other Commonwealth countries, below commissioned rank, for conspicuous gallantry in action against the ene...
Saskatchewan Protective Services Medal===Terms==Established in 2003 to recognize exemplary long service for individuals working in a direct capacity to protect people and/or property, and supervisory personnel in the public service sectors who ensure the safety, security and protection of Saskatchewan citizens.These individuals set high standards and strive for excellence in their duties so eve...
British Columbia Fire Services Long Service Medal=Awarded by the Provincial Government of British Columbia to persons who have completed at least twenty-five (25) years of paid or volunteer fire service in British Columbia. This is to recognize the dedication and selflessness with which these individuals have served their community and this province in the protection of life and property. ==Bar...
British Columbia Fire Services Bravery Medal=The Medal of Bravery was established for members of the fire service, to express, on behalf of the citizens of British Columbia, their gratitude to the fire fighters who have performed acts of courage and bravery without concern for their own personal safety. Nominations must be made in writing, to the Fire Commissioner. Nominations will be researche...
The Newfoundland and Labrador Volunteer Service Medal was awarded in 2001 to Canadian citizens, who were current or a long-term resident of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.==Terms==The government of the province shall award a medal to each person: * (a) who is a Canadian citizen and is a current or was a long-term resident of the province; * (b) who has provided a volunteer service to...
The Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery recognizes individual acts of outstanding courage and bravery by members of Ontario's firefighting services.This honour is an important way to demonstrate public support for the often hazardous nature of the work of our firefighters.For more information on this Ontario medal, please visit the link at the top of this project.
The Ontario Medal for Police Bravery recognizes acts of outstanding courage and bravery by members of Ontario's police services.This honour is an important way to demonstrate public support for police officers across Ontario.For more information on the honour, please visit the link at the top of this page.
The Queen's Medal for Champion Shots of the Air Forces was instituted in 1953, as an Air Force version of the Queen's Medal for Champion Shots in the Military Forces. One medal each can be awarded to the champion shot of annual small arms marksmanship competitions held by the Air Forces of the United Kingdom and those member countries of the British Commonwealth whose Governments desire to take...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Szczawne, Poland. Gesher Galicia-Szczawne
St Paul's Anglican Cemetery Canada Gen Web's Cemetery Project
Проект для всех вещей связаных с генеологией в Брянске, областном центре Брянской области. Внешняя ссылка People from Bryansk (Wikipedia) Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Брянская область
Генеалогия города Волжский в Волгоградской области Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Волгоградская область Подпроекты Братская могила участников гражданской войны и советских воинов, погибших в период Сталинградской битвы
Проект посвящённый генеалогии Волгоградской области. Областным центром Волгоградской области является город Волгоград. Ранее область называлась Сталинградская, а областной центр Сталинград. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage - Umbrella Project Дочерние проекты Города Волжский
Вся генеалогия областного центра Саратова. Родительские проекты International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage Саратовская область Подпроекты Парк Победы Мемориальный комплекс «Журавли» Аллея «Дни воинской славы России» Другие Доска Почёта Работников Образования в Сквере Первой Учительницы
В этом проекте будут запечатлены люди, упомянутые в Мемориальном комплексе «Журавли», находящемся в Парке Победы в Саратове. Родительские проекты International War and Military projects Portal World War II World War II - Casualties International Projects Index Russian History & Cultural Heritage Саратовская область Саратов
Rose Hill Cemetery
St Simon and St Jude Roman Catholic Cemetery