Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Eesti Sõjameeste Sakala Ühing

    Eesti Sõjameeste Sakala Ühing loodi Viljandis 30. märtsil 1991 Viljandimaal elavatest Saksa mundris Eesti eest võidelnud meestest.

  • Saint Petersburg University

    If in your family tree you have persons that were faculty or students of Saint Petersburg University, Russia, please add them to this project. It would be great if within the profile description "About" there would be brief biography. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button to "Add to project". Select this project (you must be on the list of collaborators in this project to see it o...

  • Põltsamaa saksa kalmistu / Deutsche Friedhof im Kirchspiel Oberpahlen

    Põltsamaa saksa kalmistu (saksa keeles deutsche Friedhof im Kirchspiel Oberpahlen ) on kalmistu Põltsamaa kihelkonnas Viljandimaal, tänapäevase haldusjaotuse järgi Põltsamaa linnas Põltsamaa vallas Jõgeva maakonnas. Kalmistu rajati pärast 1772. aastat. Sinna on maetud suurem osa 19. ja 20. sajandi Põltsamaa Niguliste koguduse saksa pihtkonna liikmetest, viimane matus toimus 1947. aastal. Kalm...

  • French Medal for the War Wounded

    The Medal for the War Wounded (French: Médaille des blessés de guerre) was originally a mere insignia in the form of an ribbon awarded for wounds received in the line of duty while facing an enemy. The insignia was established by the law of 11 December 1916, based on an idea by the nationalist writer Maurice Barrès. Although originally established as a temporary measure, the insignia survived f...

  • French Médaille militaire

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Médaille militaire (English: Military Medal) is a military decoration of the French Republic for other ranks for meritorious service and acts of bravery in action against an enemy force. It is the third highest award of the French Republic, after the Legion of Honour, a civil and military order, and the Order of Liberation, a Second World War-only ord...

  • French Resistance Medal

    The Resistance Medal (French: Médaille de la Résistance) was a decoration bestowed by the French Committee of National Liberation, based in the United Kingdom, during World War II. It was established by a decree of General Charles de Gaulle on 9 February 1943 "to recognize the remarkable acts of faith and of courage that, in France, in the empire and abroad, have contributed to the resistance o...

  • Olonets Karelia - Indices to Source Documents

    Katso suomenkielinen välilehti.See Finnish tab.

  • People of Nakina

    Nakina Township was established in the Summer of 1923 as a railway hub for National Transcontinental Railways. The operations and most employrees were transferred from Grant. Today Nakina is part of Greenstone that includes also Beardmore, Geraldton and Longlac. This genealogy project has as ambition to document the families that lived in Nakina and their connection to their ancestral lines an...

  • Wood County, West Virginia, USA

    This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. Wood County was formed on December 21, 1798, from portions of Harrison County. It was named for the then Governor of Virginia (1796–99), James Wood, formerly a brigadier general in the American Revolutionary War....

  • Slægten Windfeld

    Navnet Windfeld optræder i forskellig stavemåde: Vindfeld, Vindfeldt, Windfeld og Windfeldt. Der er nok ingen grund til at mene, at udformningen har nogen betydning som adskillelse mellem forskellige slægtslinier. Derimod findes adskillige tilfælde, hvor personer uden for slægtslinien har tillagt sig navnet som minde om hjemstavnsbyen. Adskillige af slægten er emigreret - til U.S.A., Canada,...

  • Locality city Samara, Samara Oblast, Russia

    Samara (Russian: Сама́ра), known from 1935 to 1991 as Kuybyshev (Куйбышев is the largest city and administrative centre of Samara Oblast. The city is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Samara rivers, with a population of over 1.1 million residents,[15] up to 3 million residents in the urban agglomeration. The city covers an area of 541.382 square kilometers (209.029 sq mi), and is t...

  • Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Horta to Brazil

    Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Brasil: Imigrantes Portugueses ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants to Brazil Este subprojeto visa organizar dados genealógicos dos imigrantes portugueses que vieram ao Brasil do Concelho de HORTA . Os imigrantes já identificados estão na lista de perfis deste subprojeto.

  • Havana, Cuba

    The aim of this project is to gather Geni profiles of people who were born, lived, and/or died in Havana, Cuba.

  • Koach (Kaf-Chet, 28) / Yesha Fortress battle

    ויקיפדיה מצודת כ"ח (מצודת כוח, נקראת גם מצודת ישע או נבּי יושע) היא מצודת טגארט באזור הצפון בקרבת קריית שמונה. המצודה נקראת על שם 28 הלוחמים שנהרגו בכיבושה במלחמת העצמאות. לצידה אנדרטה וקבר אחים בו קבורים 19 מחללי הקרבות במקום. רשימת הנופלים אליעזר בן נבט אמנון יקותיאלי יזהר ערמוני אליעזר שבט פילון פרידמן יוסף (ספי) אהלי

  • Portuguese immigrants of Concelho of Santa Cruz da Graciosa to Brazil

    Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Brasil: Imigrantes Portugueses ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants to Brazil Aqui estão relacionados os imigrantes portugueses que vieram ao Brasil do Concelho de SANTA CRUZ DA GRACIOSA . Ana Paula do Sacramento (Santa Cruz da Graciosa, Ilha da Graciosa, Portugal, ? - Brasil, ?) casada com Sebastião Nunes Coelho. Ana Vicência Rosa (Vila da...

  • Väike-Maarja uus kalmistu

    Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Väike-Maarja uus kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. * ]]]

  • Kylä Loosari (Klåsarö), Pyhtää

    Tämä projekti on Pyhtään pitäjän ja kunnan Loosarin kylän ( Klåsarö ) kyläprojekti. Kylän kiinteistörekisteritunnus alkaa numeroilla 624-408- ja se sijaitsee Puntinsaaren-Välisaaren-Päkinsaaren alueella Tilat: 1. Bondas 2. Eliases Perustettu 27.9.2019 / Toni NäppiProjekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin.Projektin tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen pr...

  • Florence County, South Carolina

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Florence County, South Carolina. Official Website Formed in 1888, Florence County was named for the daughter of General W. W. Harlee. Adjacent Counties Dillon County Marion County Darlington County Marlboro County Lee County Clarendon County Sumter County

  • Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Toholampi

    Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin.Voit lisätä projektiin Toholammilta lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Toholammin projektit *Paikkakunta Toholampi, Keski-Pohjanmaa Paikkakunta Toholampi, Keski-Pohjanmaa *Siirtolaiset paikk...

  • South Australia, Australia Portal

    Welcome to the South Australia Portal on Geni This is a sub-project of the Australian Portal This South Australian Portal has been created to: Link together existing South Australian projects Encourage new South Australian projects to be created Encourage collaboration between South Australian-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have South Australian interests and connect...

  • Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish students in European universities before 1640

    Scope of Project The objective of this project is to collect genealogically interesting information about university students representing the Northern European nationalities who studied in European universities from the time when first of them were established until 1640 , which was the year of the founding of the old Turku Academy (Academia Aboensis) in Finland, then part of Sweden. Stude...

  • Roberts County, South Dakota

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Roberts County, South Dakota. The county was named either for S. G. Roberts of Fargo, North Dakota, or for Solomon Robar, an early local French fur trader. It was created on March 8, 1883. Adjacent Counties Richland County, North Dakota Traverse County, Minnesota Marshall County Day County Grant County Big Stone County,...

5951-5975 of 74679 projects