The Mitral Valve, located between the left heart chambers, left atrium and left ventricle, doesn’t work properly. It may not be closing properly, which causes blood to leak backward to the left atrium (regurgitation), or the valve may be narrowed (stenosis). As a result, the heart does not pump enough blood out of the left ventricular chamber to supply the body with oxygen-filled blood.The hear...
A carbuncle is a red, swollen, painful cluster of boils that are connected to each other deeper under the skin .===* A boil (or furuncle) is an infection of a hair follicle that has a small collection of pus (called an abscess) under the skin. * A carbuncle is larger than a single boil, measuring up to 4 inches across. * A carbuncle usually has one or more openings that drain pus onto the skin....
Please add profiles to the specific disease or cause of death if you can.== Heart disease is a word used to describe many different conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. ==Types==1) There are many cardiovascular diseases involving the blood vessels. They are known as vascular diseases :* Coronary artery disease (also known as coronary heart disease and ischemic heart disease) also **...
This is a list of people who died from accidents related to horses . Some of the listed accidents had important political and historical consequences, which are given when relevant.==celebrities==* Holbrook Blinn (1872-1928), Broadway stage star & silent screen actor, died from injuries in an accident on the grounds of his estate.* Maureen Connolly (1934-1969), tennis star, career ended in 1954...
Uterine cancer or womb cancer is any type of cancer that emerges from the tissue of the uterus. It can refer to several types of cancer, with cervical cancer (arising from the lower portion of the uterus) being the most common type worldwide and the second most common cancer in women in developing countries. Endometrial cancer (or cancer of the inner lining of the uterus) is the second most com...
Korporatsioon Fraternitas Liviensis, Korp! Fraternitas Liviensis on 28. jaanuaril 1918 Tartus asutatud Eesti üliõpilaskorporatsioon.Korp! Fraternitas Liviensis asutati seitsme Tartu Ülikoolis õppinud eesti rahvusest farmaatsiatudengi poolt. Alguses võisid korporatsiooniga liituda üksnes farmaatsiat õppivad üliõpilased. Alates 1925. aastast võisid korporatsiooniga liituda kõik eesti rahvusest Ee...
- Tartu medali kavaler 2002-2023 isikud: Aili Michelson Ain Heinaru Ain Nõmm Aino-Eevi Lukas Aivar Mäe Aleksander Maastik Allan Liim Anders Gunnar Bergström Andis Dilāns Andres Gailit Andrus Tasa Anton Axel von Rücker Ants Nilson Anu Reinart Arvo Kivikas Bengt Ingvar Bylund Bertil Lindström Eenok Järg Ela-Heigi Martis Emöke Sogenbits Endel Nõgene Ene Ahven Ene Peiker Enn Lillemets Enn Veenpe...
Grupa Madonas novada dzimtu pārstāvjiem - tiem, kam saknes Mēdzūlā, Lubejā, Gulbērē, Ozolos, Dzeņumuižā, Līdērē, Liezērē, Grotūžos un apkārtnē. 1924. gadā no Cēsu apriņķa jaunajam Madonas apriņķim tika piešķirti 34 pagasti: Bērzaunes pagasts ( Bersohn-Schloß , Pastorat )[3] Bučauskas pagasts ( Butzkowsky ) Cesvaines pagasts ( Schloß Seßwegen , Pastorat ) Dzelzavas pagasts ( Selsau ) Grašu pag...
Vabadussõjas langenud Valga lähistel hukkunud / surnud vabadussõdalased (Valga Peetri koguduse meetrikas): 23. jaanuar 1919 - 2. juuli 1919 5. juuli 1919 - 21. veebruar 1920 (suri soomusrongi Kapten Irv sõdur) 9. mai 1920 (tapeti üks staabisõdur - Aleksander Tomson Johan'i poeg* ) Laiaroopalise soomusrongi nr 3 meeskonnas langenud meeste nimed Vabadussõjas langenute koondnimekiri...
EELK teeneterist on Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku välja antav teenetemärk. Peale teeneteristi annab EELK välja veel kahte teenetemärki: EELK kuldristi ja EELK teeneteristi tunnustusmärki. Kõigi kolme klassi (ja kõikide järkude) kavalerid siia: EELK teeneterist EELK kuldrist EELK teeneteristi tunnustusmärk Kavalerid 1996-2022 Aado Oppe Aadu Alt Aadu Juhkental Aadu Paeveer Aa...
A taxicab, also known as a taxi or a cab, is a type of vehicle for hire with a driver, used by a single passenger or small group of passengers, often for a non-shared ride. A taxicab conveys passengers between locations of their choice. This differs from other modes of public transport where the pick-up and drop-off locations are determined by the service provider, not by the passenger, althoug...
"Unless action is taken, road traffic injuries are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030." (1) notables From 20 icons killed in car crashes + others Princess Diana of Wales James Dean (actor) Jayne Mansfield (actress) Billy Martin (baseball manager) Keith Franke (pro wrestler) Falco (singer) David Halberstam (journalist) Drazen Petrovic (basketball pla...
Kasulikku teavet:*
Welcome to the United States Senators project on Geni! This project aims to bring together all of the profiles for the men and women who have served in the upper house of the American legislature since it was first convened in 1789. Anyone who has ever served in the United States Senate should be added to the project. Resources The Senate maintains a list of all senators in U.S. history , w...
The American Legion, Inc. is a federally chartered corporation formed in Paris on March 16, 1919 by veterans of the American Expeditionary Forces (A. E. F.)The aftermath of two American wars in the second half of the 19th century had seen the formation of several ex-soldiers' organizations. Following the American Civil War of 1861–65 former Union soldiers had established an organization called ...
This project refers to people, primarily for 18th - 19th Century Britain , who sell/sold their goods from place to place - either in handcarts, horse or donkey drawn carts, baskets or in other means such as boxes, crates, bags or sacks. Itinerant sales people without a permanent location, i.e. not operating out of shops. Image Right "The London Costermonger", from Henry Mayhew's "London Labo...
A construction worker is a worker employed in the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure. The term construction worker can be used to cover a huge number of roles within the industry, but typically it refers to a someone who performs a variety of general construction tasks during all phases of a construction project. However, there are also those who specializ...
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in Clermont County, Ohio. Official Website Ordinanced in 1800 as part of the Virginia Military District, Clermont is Ohio's eighth oldest county, the furthest county west in Appalachian Ohio, the eleventh oldest county of the former Northwest Territory. Clermont County is part of the Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN Metropolitan Statistical Area....
Monisikiöraskaudella eli monikkoraskaudella tarkoitetaan raskautta, jossa raskaana oleva nainen kantaa kohdussaan useampaa kuin yhtä sikiötä kerralla, yleensä kahta sikiötä eli kaksosia. Monisikiöraskauden syntyyn vaikuttavat monet eri seikat mm. aiemmin suvussa ilmenneet monisikiöraskaudet eli perinnöllisyys, erityisesti äidin puolen suvussa. Niin sanottu Hellinin sääntö kertoo ihmisellä kak...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived, or died in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Official Website Reading developed during the 1740s when the inhabitants of northern Lancaster County sent several petitions requesting that a separate county be established. With the help of German immigrant Conrad Weiser, the county was formed on March 11, 1752, from parts of Chester County, Lancaster ...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Official Website The county was created on March 4, 1785, from part of Lancaster County and was named after Louis-Joseph, Dauphin of France, the first son of king Louis XVI. Located within the county is Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station, site of the 1979 nuclear core meltdown. The county con...
Please add profiles of " celebrities " who star or have starred in "reality TV shows," Must be set to public. If the profile is "notable" but living and private, please contact a curator through the "discussion" tool.This is an international project.From Wikipedia last updated April 8, 2015Reality-based television is a genre of television programming that documents unscripted situations and act...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Rowan County, North Carolina. Official Website The first Europeans to enter what is now Rowan County were members of the Spanish expedition of Juan Pardo in 1567. They established a fort and a mission in the native village of Guatari, believed to be located near the Yadkin River and inhabited by the Wateree. At the time, the area wa...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Dubois County, Indiana. Official Website Dubois County was formed on December 20, 1818, from Orange, Pike and Perry counties. It is named for Toussaint Dubois, a Frenchman who fought in the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Tippecanoe and the War of 1812. Dubois was a merchant who lived mainly in Vincennes. In 1818, as many...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Crawford County, Indiana. Official Website Crawford County was formed in 1818. Some say it was named for William H. Crawford, who was U.S. Treasury Secretary in 1818. Others say it was named for Col. William Crawford, who fought in the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War, and who was burned and scalped by Indians in 1782 in ...