Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Brasil: Imigrantes Portugueses ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants to Brazil Este subprojeto visa organizar dados genealógicos dos imigrantes portugueses que vieram ao Brasil do Concelho de BARCELOS .Os imigrantes já identificados estão na lista de perfis deste subprojeto.
Este é um subprojeto relacionado ao Projeto Maior Brasil: Imigrantes Portugueses ao Brasil / Portuguese immigrants to Brazil Aqui estão relacionados perfis de imigrante portugueses ao Brasil que ainda não se tem certeza da origem. Eles deverão ser deslocados para o sub projeto de seus Concelhos de origem, tão logo se tenha certeza do evento. # André Pereira de Souza Matos (Ilha de São Jorge, Aç...
The University of Coimbra (UC; Portuguese: Universidade de Coimbra, pronounced [univ%C9%A8%C9%BEsi%CB%88%C3%B0a%C3%B0%C9%A8 ðɨ kuˈĩbɾɐ]) is a public research university in Coimbra, Portugal. First established in Lisbon in 1290, it went through a number of relocations until moving permanently to Coimbra in 1537. The university is among the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world...
This is a project for Persons in the historic county of Hosanger in Norway, Hordaland. The borders of this county was changed in 1964 and the name Hosanger was no longer used, therefore only persons who lived before1964 should be added. Wikipedia - Hosanger
The Brazilian nobility (Portuguese: nobreza do Brasil) refers to the titled aristocrats and fidalgo people and families recognized by the Kingdom of Brazil and later, by the Empire of Brazil, dating back to the early 19th century, when Brazil ceased to be a colony of the Kingdom of Portugal. It held official status until 1889, when a military coup d'état overthrew the monarchy and established t...
Relations between Brazil and Morocco The relationship between Brazil and Morocco dates back to the arrival of the Portuguese in the New World, during the great voyages of navigation. The Iberian Peninsula and Morocco have always had relations throughout their history, and many Arab influences were brought by Portugal along with the caravels that arrived here. This relationship through Portuga...
JUDEU DA AMAZÔNIA, BRASILEIRO NO MARROCOS. 40 ANOS DO CURSO DE HISTÓRIA MIGRAÇÃO E IDENTIDADES ENTRE 1890 E 1910 Lucas de Mattos Moura Fernandes Mestrando em História Social Ppghis/UFRJ professorlucasfernandes@gmail.com RESUMO Diretamente vinculado às questões de liberdade religiosa e desenvolvimento de oportunidades comerciais, o fluxo imigratório judaico marroquino para a região norte do Br...
Inúmeros fluxos de imigração ao Brasil ocorreram desde a chegada dos portugueses em 1500. Muitas árvores genealógicas brasileiras são interrompidas no antepassado imigrante. Este projeto tenta facilitar a identificação deles, de forma a estreitar a possibilidade de contato com as árvores de outros países. Também são listados os poucos índios autóctones dos quais se tem registro da descendênci...
Russo-brasileiro (em russo: Русские бразильцы) é um brasileiro com total, parcial ou predominante ascendência russa. Também são consideradas russa-brasileiras as pessoas nascidas na Rússia mas redicadas permanente ou temporariamente no Brasil, especialmente pessoas que gozaram ou que ainda hoje usufruem certa notoriedade. Durante a Guerra Fria, houve intolerância com os russos no Brasil.O Paran...
A Imigração Libanesa no Brasil tem início a partir da segunda metade do século XIX, é impulsionada pelas dificuldades vividas pela população do Líbano.O século XIX caracteriza o momento de grande fluxo imigratório no Brasil, várias são as nacionalidades que buscam o território brasileiro nesse momento em busca de melhores condições de vida. O progressivo processo de abolição da mão-de-obra escr...
Padasjoki, Auttoisten kylä -projekti on aloitettu 11.2.2020. Tämä projekti on vielä keskeneräinen. Projektiin voidaan liittää Auttoisten kylässä asuneita henkilöitä. Projektin tietoja täydennetään koko ajan ja tietoja lisätään sitä mukaa kun niitä saadaan kokoon. Siihen voidaan perustaa myös taloprojekteja ja muita tarkentavia projekteja sekä lisätä valokuvia, tarinoita ja muuta sukututkimusta ...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Baliwag, Bulacan, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Angat, Bulacan, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Guagua, Pampanga, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Tanza, Cavite, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on the Quijano Family of the Philippines. Profiles here are those of historical figures, scions of the gentry ( de buena familia ), revolutionary heroes, scholars, government officials, national athletes and other public personalities (celebrities) in various fields. Find more surnames at the master project page, Families of the Philippines . ...
The Boy Scouts of the Philippines is the national scouting organization of the Philippines in the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The Scout movement was first introduced in the Philippines on 1910 during the American Occupation. Wikipedia
The Department of Budget and Management is an executive body under the Office of the President of the Philippines. It is responsible for the sound and efficient use of government resources for national development and also as an instrument for the meeting of national socio-economic and political development goals. This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on people who has been worki...
This sub-project aims to organize genealogical data on cabinet members during the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2022. Find more at the master project page, Philippines Portal . President - Rodrigo Duterte Vice President - Leni Robredo Cabinet Executive Secretary - Salvador Medialdea Secretary of Agrarian Reform - Rafael V. Mariano (ad interim u...
The Asian Institute of Management is an international management school and research institution. It is one of the few business schools in Asia to be internationally accredited with the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Wikipedia
Ateneo de Davao University is a private Catholic basic and higher education institution run by the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus in Davao City, Davao del Sur, Philippines. It was established in 1948 when the Jesuits took over the administration of the diocesan school, St. Peter's Parochial School. Wikipedia
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
Projekti aloitettu 19.1.2023. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Kylä Kuokkala Wikipedia Kuokkala, Lempäälä, paikkatietoikkuna, Maanmittauslaitos 500 vuotta Davidin kapinasta, K.V. Kaukovalta Aamulehti Sunnntailite 1938, 18.09.1938 no 251 Sitoumusasiakirja 9.1.1439 Kuokkala Lempäälä "Asiakirjat eivät...
Hytinlahti Ruotsin ja Venäjän välisten sotien 1570-1595 ja 1610-1617 jälkeen oli ruotsalais-suomalainen armeija miehittänyt Käkisalmen läänin. Armeija oli ryöstänyt lähes kaiken mikä oli mahdollista. Hävityksen jäljiltä Räisälässä oli vain 17 veroa maksavaa taloa, mikä oli viidesosa siellä ennen tuhoa olleista. Yksi taloista oli Hytinlahdessa. Olojen vakiinnuttua hävityksen jälkeen asukkaiden ...