Bohuslän is a historical province of Sweden=Bohuslän is a Swedish province in Götaland, on the northernmost part of the country's west coast. It is bordered by Dalsland to the northeast, Västergötland to the southeast, the Skagerrak arm of the North Sea to the west, and the county of Østfold, in Norway, to the north.Bohuslän is named after the medieval Norwegian castle of Bohus. Under the name ...
Eastern Cemetery is the main cemetery in Invercargill covering over 30 hectares. It is located on the corner of East & Rockdale Roads, Invercargill, South Island, New Zealand.Notable burials:* Burt Munro (1899-1978). New Zealander Burt Munro went to Bonneville Utah, in 1967, and rode his 1920, Indian motorcycle to fame gaining the world land speed record for a motorcycle, which still stands tod...
Tranemo, West Gothland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Tranemo , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. This project is a...
Vingåker, Sudermannia, Sweden This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Vingåker , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You might also ...
Katrineholm, Södermanland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Karineholm , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You might a...
Egen kyrkoherde redan år 1356. Mariehamns stad hörde till Jomala församling från grundandet 1861 tills det blev ett eget pastorat år 1900Byar: Andersböle, Björsby, Buskböle, Dalkarby, Djurvik, Gölby, Gottby, Hammarudda, Hinderböle, Ingby, Jomalaby, Karrböle, Kila, Kungsöby, Möckelby, Möckelö, Norrsunda, Ödanböle, Önningeby, Österkalmar, Överby, Rasmansböle, Ringsböle, Södersunda, Sviby, Torp, U...
En av de äldsta församlingarna på Åland, nämnd redan 1332, med Geta som kapell.Byar: Ämnäs, Bamböle, Bartsgårda, Bastö, Bergö, Bjärström, Brantsböle, Emkarby, Enbolsta, Finström, Godby, Grelsby, Kulla, Markusböle, Ottböle, Pålsböle, Pettböle, Rågertsböle, Stålsby, Strömsvik, Svartsmara, Tärnbolsta, Tjudö, Torrbolsta, Västanträsk* Förteckning över präster - Finström
Õpetatud Eesti Selts (ÕES) / Gelehrte Estnische Gesellschaft (GEG) - liikmed, esimehed, auliikmed Kõik kogume siia... Nii 1838-1950 kui ka 1988-...
Karlstad, Wermland, Sweden= This is a regional project in Geni for the Municipality of Karlstad , Sweden. Everybody who is interested in the history of the town or its residents is welcome to join the project. Once you have joined the project you can add profiles, photos, documents etc. of people who have resided here or who otherwise are related to the history of the town. You might also want ...
University College, University of Oxford=High Street OxfordFounded by William of Durham 1249
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. Projekt "Tartu Ülikooli kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Asukoht: Raadi kalmistu põhjanurgas Kruusamäe tänava ääres (asutatud 1920) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Lukkari , klockare on kirkollinen virka, jonka alkuperäisenä tarkoituksena keskiajalla oli pitää huolta kirkosta, sen esineistöstä ja hoitaa huolehtia kirkonkellojen soitosta. Myöhemmin lukkarin tehtäviin on kuulunut laulujen opetusta ja kirkkolaulun johtamista erityisesti siellä, missä kanttoria ei ole ollut. Lukkarille on myös kuulunut lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen opetus. [3] Aikojen saatossa ...
British Prisoners of War World War II Please add Geni profiles of WW2 Prisoners of War from Britain to this project. See also World War II - American Prisoners World War II - Prisoners of War from Canada World War II (1939-1945): New Zealand Prisoners of War Others to Follow All PoWs were allegedly protected by rules for the treatment of prisoners of war which had be...
of the Clan The Stewarts who became monarchs of Scotland were descended from a family who were seneschals of Dol in Brittany, France.[4] After the Norman conquest of England the Stewarts acquired estates in England as the FitzAlan family, also Earls of Arundel.[4] Walter Flaad or Walter fitz Alan, the Steward came to Scotland when David I of Scotland claimed his throne.[4] It is from their offi...
Hagfors kommun är en kommun i Värmlands län. Centralort är Hagfors. Kommunen ligger ca 10 mil norr om Karlstad. Norra delen ingår i den så kallade Tiomilaskogen. Kommunen har ett nära samarbete med grannkommunerna Sunne, Torsby och Munkfors. Administrativ historikKommunens område motsvarar socknarna: Ekshärad , Gustav Adolf , Norra Råda och Sunnemo . I dessa socknar bildades vid kommunreformen ...
Viimsi Valla autasu "Viimsi Vaalapoeg" Kõik kavalerid siia... Nimed 2005-2024 Alar Mik Andres Raja Andri Jääger Anett Kontaveit Armin Evert Lelle Christofer Kalk Ekke Sakkov Elis Marii Viltsin Elis Merimäe Ellen Toom Emily Bruus Emma Lotta Lõhmus Eva-Riin Järve Geron Alexander Grant
Cemetery Name: Messines Ridge New Zealand Memorial Cemetery Location: Mesen, West-Vlaanderen,Belgium NZ Casualties: 828 Total Known Casualties: 828 Listed Casualties: 828 Image right By Wernervc - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Location Information: The Messines Ridge (New Zealand) Memorial to the Missing is situated within Messines Ridge British Cemetery, which is located 9.5 kilometr...
Projekti aloitettu 15.11.2017. Tervetuloa Kemin merenkulun sukututkimusprojektiin! Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja liittää Kemin seudulla vaikuttaneiden merenkulkuun liittyvien henkilöiden profiileja, valokuvia ja dokumentteja. Merenkulun ammattilaisten paikallisprojektit kattavat kaikki paikkakunnalla asuvat merenkulun ammattilaiset, myös ulkomaalaistaustaiset toimijat. Kaikki merenkulust...
Telegraph A telegraphist (British English), telegrapher (American English), or telegraph operator is an operator who uses a telegraph key to send and receive the Morse code in order to communicate by land lines or radio.The telegraph industry grew greatly starting in the 1830s, and reached California about 1860. Only at the very beginning were messages actually transmitted using one finger and ...
Battle of Flodden Date 9 Sept 1513 Location Near Branxton, Northumberland, England Belligerents Kingdom of England (26,000 English) v Kingdom of Scotland (30-34,000 Scottish) Causes This conflict began when James IV, King of Scots declared war on England to honour the Auld Alliance with France by diverting Henry VIII's English troops from their campaign against the French king Louis XI...
The Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic is a Spanish civil order of chivalry and honour granted to persons and institutions in recognition of extraordinary services to the homeland or the promotion of international relations and cooperation with other nations. By law, its Grand Master is the King of Spain, and its Grand Chancellor is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Order is open to both S...
The Four Hundred was a list of New York society during the Gilded Age, a group that was led by Caroline Schermerhorn Astor, the "Mrs. Astor", for many years. After her death, her role in society was filled by three women: Mamie Fish, Theresa Fair Oelrichs, and Alva Belmont,known as the "triumvirate" of American society.Establishment.Aided by McAllister, Mrs. Astor attempted to codify proper beh...
This project brings together the profiles of people who moved from Asikkala, Häme to America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The aim of the project is to bring together people who have left Asikkala as immigrants and to unite families who left America and stayed in Finland. Persons who have returned to Finland can also be connected to the project. Welcome to join the project to compl...
I Esbo Segelföreningens (ESF) paviljong Paven på ön Pentala i Esbo finns föreningens Pro Patria tavlan, som innehåller namnen på de tolv medlemmarna som stupade i krigen 1939–1944. Esbo Segerföreningin (ESF) paviljongissa Pavenissa Pentalan saaressa Espoossa sijaitsee yhdistyksen Pro Patria -taulu, jossa on vuosien 1939–1944 sodissa kaatuneiden kahdentoista jäsenen nimet. Pro Patria 1939–194...