Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Siia sobivad mootorattasportlased, autosportlased, veemotosportlased, lennumotosportlased.Kasulikku teavet: *
Departed London 29 December 1858 - Arrived Lyttelton 29 March 1859. External Descriptions and passenger list FamilySearch Passenger List
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija, Grad Sinj i Sinjani / This project is a part of Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Sinj and Sinjani Hr | En | It , De , Hu | Fr | Es | La Lokacija / Location: Sinj Matične crkvene knjige / Church Books and records - Croatia, Church Books, 1516-1994, from FamilySearch Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) Sinj
Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan Ihantalan kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiIhantala (vuodesta 1948 ven. Петровка, Petrovka) oli luterilainen seurakunta ja sen kirkonkylä Viipurin maalaiskunnan pohjoisosassa. Ihantala muistetaan jatkosodan torjuntataisteluista, jotka tapahtuivat Ihantalan kirkonkylässä. Kirkonkylä tuhoutui täysin tässä Talin...
The University of Oregon (also referred to as UO or Oregon) is a public flagship research university located in Eugene, Oregon. UO was founded in 1876. The institution's campus is 295 acres in size and is situated along the Willamette River. Since July 2014, UO has been governed by the Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon. The university is classified as having very high research activ...
20th January 2011 : Building initiated of a complete list of historical/ public profiles of members of the Sulaimani Jamaat , a smaller sect of the Shi'a community mainly settled in India, Pakistan & Yemen , with members spread across the Western World, Europe & GCC in the past few decades of the 21st century. February-June 2011 : Historic profiles of the Al-Hindi, Banu Al-Anf & Banu Al-Makrami...
January 2011 : 1st Project for Sulaimani Community August 2012 :Dear All, This was started as a test project when I first started using GENI in January 2011. I am thinking of maintaining only 1 project for the community in order to set ease and convenience for all members. All historic profiles, and updates will be added only to that project then, and all members are invited to follow that proj...
Mänttä-Vilppulan kaupunki syntyi Mäntän kaupungin ja Vilppulan kunnan yhdistyessä vuonna 2009. Kun lisäät Mäntässä, Vilppulassa ja Mänttä-Vilppulassa eläneiden henkilöiden profiileihin paikkatietoja, ole huolellinen, että Geniin tulee tallettua oikea paikkatieto. Mänttä-Vilppulaa ei pidä käyttää paikkatietona ennen kaupungin perustamista (v. 2009). Naapuriseurakunnat Mänttä-Vilppulan naapu...
Wikipedia Rice University William Marsh Rice University, commonly referred to as Rice University or Rice, is a private research university located on a 295-acre campus in Houston, Texas, United States. The university is situated near the Houston Museum District and is adjacent to the Texas Medical Center. It is consistently ranked among the top 20 universities in the U.S. and the top 100 in t...
Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Päivilän kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 7.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes
Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan Tirhiän kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiYmpärillä maalaiskunnan kylät Alasäiniö , Uskela , Hämäläinen , Korpela , Nuora ja Viipurin kaupungin Hevossaari , Huhtiala ja Liimatta
Preface, notes & introduction NL: ' There are many relationships between persons of Dutch and Indonesian descent. This project page will be part of several that deal with Dutch-Indonesian relations over the centuries. See also related pages for that, which have already been started. The intention is that one can place and find profiles of persons who can be related to the mentioned subject. In ...
< BACK New Amsterdam • 1609-1674 • Immigrant Ships . Objective This project provides an inventory of the ships that brought immigrants from The Netherlands to New Amsterdam between 1609 and 1674 . The associated New Amsterdam - Immigrants project inventories immigrants in that same period. List of ships with links to passenger lists at Olivetree.com . Work in Progress . For any addi...
El cargo de Jefe Político y de Policía de Montevideo fue el cargo dado para el titular del ejecutivo departamental de Montevideo, capital de Uruguay. Creación El mismo fue creado por la Constitución de 1830 en su artículo 118. El Jefe Político además del rol ejecutivo, tenía la jurisdicción de la Policía departamental, y era designado directamente por el Poder Ejecutivo. Fue suprimido el 18 d...
The Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) is a military award presented to members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to the United States subsequent to January 16, 1969. The MSM was previously awarded as a decoration for achievement during peacetime, but effective September 11, 2001 this decoration may also be bestowed in...
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (ΩΨΦ) is a historically African-American fraternity. The fraternity was founded on November 17, 1911, by three Howard University juniors, Edgar Amos Love, Oscar James Cooper and Frank Coleman, and their faculty adviser, Dr. Ernest Everett Just. Since its founding the organization has chartered over 750 undergraduate and graduate chapters. Omega Psi Phi is the firs...
This genealogy project is a transcription of a part of the 1891 census for Ørland, namely locality Storfosna. Which is an island in Ørland, Trøndelag county, Norway. Prior to January 1, 2020, Ørland was a part of Sør-Trøndelag county.
This project aims to transcribe the main list (containing information such as the name of a residence, whether it be a farm or a croft - as well as each of their respective gårdsnummer and bruksnummer ) - for specifically census district 1 of the 1900 census for Ørland : Storfosen og Krogvog (but the project will mainly just focus on the locality of Storfosna (or Storfosen as it was known as ba...
This genealogy project has two goals: To transcribe the portion of the 1875 for P1621 Ørland which deals with the island of Storfosen (present-day island of Storfosna in the municipality of Ørland, Trøndelag County, Norway). Add their Geni profiles to the project; be them residents of the island, visitors, or people who resided on the island but was listed as 'temporarily absent' (when th...
This genealogy project has two goals: To transcribe the portion of the 1865 for Ørland which deals with the island of Storfosen (present-day island of Storfosna in the municipality of Ørland, Trøndelag County, Norway). Add their Geni profiles to the project; be them residents of the island, visitors, or people who resided on the island but was listed as 'temporarily absent' (when the cens...
KNIL : Koninklijk Nederlandsch Indisch Leger . Illustratie: Het transport der kolonialen Isaac ISRAELS 1883-1884. Olieverf op doek Collectie Museum Kroller-Muller te .... . bronnen internet informatie documentatie illustraties - etcetera... KNIL -WikiPedia Commandanten KNIL Korps Koloniale Reserve Geschiedenis KNIL en Rotterdam
Wikipedia Roosevelt University is a coeducational, private university with campuses in Chicago, Illinois and Schaumburg, Illinois. Founded in 1945, the university is named in honor of both former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. The university's curriculum is based on principles of social justice. The university enrolls around 7,000 students between its und...
Powstanie wielkopolskie * Uczestnicy Powstania Wielkopolskiego – baza on-line * Odznaczeni Wielkopolskim Krzyżem Powstańczym * Bohaterowie Powstania * Józef Dowbor-Muśnicki Dowódca Powstania Wielkopolskiego* Ignacy Jan Paderewski – polski pianista, kompozytor, działacz niepodległościowy i polityk.* Kazimierz Grudzielski generał dywizji
Tämä on paikkakuntien Saloinen ja Pattijoki ( ent. Salo Ol. ) aliprojekti. Projektiin voi liittää Palonkylässä ja Mattilanperällä syntyneiden ja/tai siellä asuneiden henkilöiden Geni-profiilit. Palonkylä (Palo) Palonkylä eli Palo on yksi keskiaikaisen Salon kirkkopitäjän vanhimmista kylistä. Se on myös maarekisterikylä. Alkujaan Palonkylän alue on ollut Savolahden kylän isäntien huhtamaita ja...