The United Service Organizations Inc. (USO) is an American nonprofit-charitable corporation that provides live entertainment, such as comedians, actors and musicians, social facilities, and other programs to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families. Since 1941, it has worked in partnership with the Department of War, and later with the Department of Defense (DoD), relying he...
Naturalists The purpose of this project is to gather together information about naturalists and connect to GENi profiles of those whose speciality was/is in natural history, especially in the study of plants and animals. This is a universal project. Please link profiles to the project, no matter where from or whether of note. Any notable naturalist can be added to the list below Image right ...
Mälkölä oli Suomelle kuuluessaan osa Äyräpään kuntaa. Se sijaitsi Äyräpään eteläosassa Muolaan vastaisella rajalla. Mälkölän naapurikyliä olivat pohjoisessa Pölläkkälä ja Kaukila sekä Muolaan puolella Moiniemi. Mälkölän kylä jakaantui kahteen osaan: varsinaiseen Mälkölään ja Salmenkaitajoen varrella sijainneeseen Salo-Mälkölään. Ennen Äyräpään kunnan muodostamista vuonna 1925 Mälkölä kuului Muo...
Kaukila sijaitsi Äyräpään kunnan lounaisosassa. Ennen Äyräpään kunnan muodostamista vuonna 1925 Kaukila kuului Muolaan kuntaan.Kaukila oli myös rautatiepysäkki Viipuri–Valkjärvi-radalla.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 6.1.2019 / Mirja Mappes
I-Y3548's paternal line was formed when it branched off from the ancestor I-S20602 and the rest of mankind around 400 BCE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the ancestor I-S20602 was born between the years 785 and 71 BCE. The most likely estimate is 402 BCE, rounded to 400 BCE. The man who is the most recent common ancestor of this line is est...
Niemennurkan taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Tietoa Talollinen Juho Martinpoika Kettunen perinnöksiostanut 3.4.1868 ½ tilasta. Talollinen Matti Matinpoika Valkeapää ja vaimo Maria Pekantytär Homanen perinnöksiostanut 1.11.1867 ½ tilasta. E...
Projekti aloitettiin 10.5.2018 Karkkila on kaupunki Uudenmaan maakunnassa. Tähän projektiin voi liittää vuodesta 1932 alkaen Karkkilassa syntyneitten tai asuneitten tai kuolleitten henkilöiden profiilit. 1932 Karkkila perustettiin erottamalla Pyhäjärven Ul kunnasta. 1969 Pyhäjärven Ul kunta liitettiin Karkkilan kauppalaan. 1977 Karkkilasta tuli kaupunki. Karkkila Hiskissä - Karkkila...
Project "Portal für Deutsch-Sprachige. Germany", is an "umbrella" project where almost, all German projects on Geni can be found. It is easiest to write in English to this project such as people all over the world can understand the text. Some profiles of German people will also be added to this project. For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal ====Projects on Geni N...
The United States secretary of transportation is the head of the United States Department of Transportation. The secretary serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all matters relating to transportation. The secretary is a statutory member of the Cabinet of the United States, and is fourteenth in the presidential line of succession. (Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0) S...
The United States Secretary of the Treasury is the head of the United States Department of the Treasury, and is the chief financial officer of the federal government of the United States. The secretary of the treasury serves as the principal advisor to the president of the United States on all matters pertaining to economic and fiscal policy. The secretary is, by custom, a member of the preside...
1899-1902 - Deaths This is taken from a Memorial Brochure Given out in 1983. The main writer was M C * E van Schoor Helping her were: P J Delport E Wessels H Ferreira B K Schoeman Prisoners who died and not on Geni in Black. Camp - Bermuda Prisoner of war Camps in Bermuda: Burt's Island Darrell's Island Hawkin's Island Hinson's Island ( also called Godet Island) L...
Cilj ovog projekta je sakupiti, identificirati i atribuirati portrete iz muzejskih i privatnih kolekcija kako bi ih se povezalo s pripadajućim geneološkim profilima. Suradnici dobrodošli.
People Connected to County Cork====Republic of Ireland See also >===== County Cork Burials >===== County Cork - Main Page >===== County Cork, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards >===== County County Cork - Famous People
Kuperberg family members born in the Lublin Gubernia, specifically in the Pulawy / Końskowola area, in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. Especially parents, siblings, and ancestors of Dawid Hersz Kuperberg, born approximately 1880. Additionally, his wife, Hinda Chaja Lerche, born about 1870. Here is what is known Dawid Kuperberg and his wife, Hinda Lerche Kuperberg had six childr...
Wikipedia Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, founded in 1912, is a private, comprehensive, coeducational university with an undergraduate campus in the city of Winona, Minnesota, United States. Graduate and professional programs are offered at facilities in Winona, the Twin Cities, Rochester, Apple Valley, Minnetonka and Oakdale, Minnesota; and various course delivery sites around Minnesota ...
Irish Americans==Irish Americans are one of America's biggest ethnic groups. In fact, nearly 40 million people said they have some Irish ancestry on the 2008 U.S. Census. That's about 12 percent of the population of the United States. Many Irish people came to America during the years of the Irish Potato Famine, or the Great Famine, as it was called. A disease destroyed Ireland's potato crop, r...
Projekti vuokra-ajureille, taksinkuljettajille ja vossikka- ja taksi-isännille.Tämän projektikuvauksen saa täydentää. Projektikuva: Annie Furuhjelm ja ystävätär hevosvaunussa. Vasemmanpuolinen nainen vaunussa Annie Furuhjelm , oikealla Ida Husted Harper . Aiheen paikka: Helsinki. Aiheen aika: 1908. Museovirasto - Musketti. Finna.fi. CC BY 4.0
The Art world has been dominated by men for centuries. Many talented female artists have have broken through the so called accepted roles of who an artist should be. Let's add notable and often overlooked female artists to this project.Often these women were apprentices to masters and did much of their work for the known or commissioned artist of their time without due credit.Collaborators are ...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Lazi, Siquijor, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal .
Silliman University is a private research university in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, the Philippines. Established in 1901 as Silliman Institute by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, it is the first American and Protestant founded institution of higher learning in the Philippines and in Asia. Wikipedia
Metsämaa on Varsinais-Suomessa sijainnut entinen Suomen kunta. Se erotettiin aikoinaan omaksi kunnakseen Loimaan pitäjästä, mutta liitettiin Loimaan maalaiskuntaan 1. tammikuuta 1976. Loimaan kunnan liityttyä Loimaan kaupunkiin vuoden 2005 alussa Metsämaasta tuli osa Loimaan kaupunkia. Metsämaan naapurikunnat olivat ennen kunnan lakkauttamista Alastaro, Humppila, Loimaan kunta, Punkalaidun ja ...
Sillanpään taloprojekti Projekti aloitettu 6.11.2024 Projektiin liittyminen Valitse Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin Tietoa Talollinen Mikko Matinpoika Saukkonen perinnöksiostanut tilan 29.10.1870. Emoprojektit Kylä Rautalahti, Parikkala Paikkakunta Parikkala Suomi ja Karjala -projekti Rautalahden talot...
Uusimaa projektin alueen aliprojekti - paikkakunta, erikoisprojektit ja ammattikuntaprojektit. Projektisivulle kootaan alueen kaikki perustetut paikkakuntaprojektit, kylä- ja taloprojektit, erikoisprojektit ja ammattikuntaprojektit. Muistathan merkitä myös paikkakunnan projektin sivustolle tiedoksi, mitä projekteja on jo tehty paikkakunnalle. . Projekteihin voi jokainen liittyä, täydentää t...