Dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject heeft als doel om zoveel mogelijk de namen, portretten en mini-biografieën van vrouwen en zelfs minderjarige kinderen te verzamelen die zich onder de definities van verzet actief hebben opgesteld tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Nederland en de koloniën. Hoofdmenu:
aloitetttu 13.4.2017 tl ===Tervetuloa yhteistyökumppaniksi===Nuoramoisten kylä ja talonhaltijaprojekteihin! (Toiminnot > Liity projektiin)Kun lisäät Nuoramoisissa asuneen henkilön profiilin projektiin, tarkista että syntymäpaikkatiedot oikeassa kohdassa, tämä helpottaa jatkossa projektiin liitettyjen profiilien tarkastelua ja lajittelua. Paikkatiedon tallenus profiiliin ==Talot==* Tikka älä*Lui...
This is an index of Y-DNA projects on geni.com. This list was last updated: Mon Feb 03 10:45:10 2025There are 8,498 Y-DNA projects on geni.com==Total Count of all Y-DNA Profiles: 2,275,061== The projects in this index are automatically created by Geni when a user uploads Y-DNA test results to Geni. Y-DNA passes from a father to his sons. When you upload a Y-DNA test result to Geni, it first cop...
Projekti aloitettu 7.8.2017
Projekti aloitettu 7.8.2017.Vanhat nimet Levanpelto, Kulla
Please add ALL children who “Died Young” (or similar) or are OVER 2 years to this project.==* If the cause of death is known & there is a project for it, please be sure to add the child that cause also, i.e. an infection, accident, etc. * If there isn't a project for the cause of death listed, please utilize this discussion: Cause of Death Projects needed??? ===If the child was UNDER 2 years pl...
Accidental death Please add Geni profiles to specific projects dedicated to that cause of death: see "related projects" and the "causes" section. If none suit, consider starting a project (or See: Cause of Death Projects needed??? discussion. If not, then add the profile to this umbrella project. Accidental Death: As the term would suggest the death of an individual by means other th...
Please add profiles of people who were born, lived or died in Kings County, New York. Although Brooklyn has been a borough of New York City for more than a century, it had a long and illustrious history as an independent city until that time. In 1890, the last census before it was annexed, Brooklyn ranked as the fourth largest city in the United States. The first settlement in what is now Bro...
Flying Cloud was a clipper ship that set the world's sailing record for the fastest passage between New York and San Francisco, 89 days 8 hours. The ship held this record for over 130 years, from 1854 to 1989. She was the most famous of the clippers built by Donald McKay. She was known for her extremely close race with Hornet in 1853; for having a woman navigator, Eleanor Creesy, wife of Josia...
Pyhäjärven, VpL, paikkakuntaprojekti Pyhäjärven, VpL, ja lähialueen sukututkimusprojekti. Rekisteröidy paikkakuntaprojektin lisäksi suurempaan kokonaisuuteen, koko Suomen ja Karjalan sukupuuta rakentavaan Suomi ja Karjala -projektiin , sekä soveltuviin kyläprojekteihin (Harlun osalta kyläprojekteja ei vielä ole). Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity proj...
Valkeala on entinen Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsee Kymenlaakson maakunnassa. Valkeala, Anjalankoski, Elimäki, Jaala, Kouvola ja Kuusankoski liittyivät yhdeksi suurkunnaksi vuoden 2009 alussa. Kaupungin nimeksi tuli Kouvola.Valkealan naapurikunnat olivat ennen kunnan lakkauttamista Anjalankoski, Elimäki, Jaala, Kouvola, Kuusankoski, Luumäki, Mäntyharju ja Savitaipale. Kylät Anttila, Haimila, Heikk...
Projekti aloitettu 5.8.2017Pyhäjoki on Suomen kunta, joka sijaitsee Raahen ja Kalajoen kuntien välissä Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnan lounaisosassa. Pyhäjoen kunta on perustettu vuonna 1865, ja sen naapurikunnat ovat Kalajoki, Merijärvi, Oulainen ja Raahe. nimet Petajoki äjoen seudulta on löydetty joitakin kivikautisia esineitä, kuten kivikirveitä ja –talttoja. Seutua hallitsivat pitkään lappal...
Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin. Voit lisätä projektiin Oulun suuralueelta (Oulu (Uleåborg), Haukipudas, Kiiminki, Oulujoki, Oulunsalo, Yli-Ii, Ylikiiiminki) lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Oulun suuralueen kartta ...
Krakow was one of the largest Jewish centers in Poland/Galicia. Founded before the end of the first millennium, the city of Krakow (Cracow), located today in southern Poland, served as the seat of the Piast Dynasty and eventually as the capital of the Polish Kingdom until the early 17th century. After the third partition of Poland in 1795, Krakow became the seat of Galicia province in the Aus...
Wikipedia Green-Wood Cemetery was founded in 1838 as a rural cemetery in Kings County, New York. It was granted National Historic Landmark status in 2006 by the U.S. Department of the Interior.Located in Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn, it lies several blocks southwest of Prospect Park, between Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Borough Park, Kensington, and Sunset Park. Paul Goldberger in The New York T...
Dinov Dynów, a town in southern Poland, in the historic region of Galicia. >> " Photos of the old Jewish Shtetl of Dinov, the beauty of the green trees only enhances the spirituality of the Tombs (Ohels ) of the Holy Dinover Rebbes". (Antique Jewish Book's Gallery)==DINOV* Dynów, Poland (Dinov, Dynov, Dinow) Kehila Links. Read >> "Dynow Okolice" by Janusz Michalak This small paperback book was ...
Projekti aloitettu 6.8.2017===Merikarvian paikkakuntaprojekti===* Merikarvia suomeksi Sastmola på svenska Merikarvia in English ähipaikkakuntien projekteja=== Satakunta Eura, Eurajoki, Harjavalta , Honkajoki, Huittinen, Jämijärvi, Kankaanpää, Karvia, Kokemäk i, Lavia, Merikarvia, Nakkila , Pomarkku, Pori , Ulvila
Projekti aloitettu 7.8.2017Vanha nimi Siikais
The project unites families of the Biržai Evangelical Reformed faith and their descendants. It includes the Evangelical Reformed parishes of Biržai, Papilys, Salamiestis and Nemunėlis Radviliškis.
Authors & Writers Definition (Oxford Paperback Dictionary Thesaurus 2001) A writer is a person who has written a particular text, or who writes books or articles as an occupation - the thesaurus lists author, bard, composer, dramatist, journalist, littérateur, novelist, playwright, poet, wordsmith. Please link the profiles of writers to this project and consider whether they could also...
Start 8.4.2018. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Narvassa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. * Narva eesti Narva suomeksi Narva på svenska Narva in english Narva auf Deutch Narva I Tallinn-Reval I Tartto I Riga I Daugavpils I
==Bankers== Please add profiles for those with the occupation of "banker" to this project. Use the related project "Investment Banker" for that specific business function. From Wikipedia: History of Banking The history begins with the first prototype banks of merchants of the ancient world, which made grain loans to farmers and traders who carried goods between cities. This began around 2000 BC...
This is a cooperation project for genealogical study of Ingrian families – Votian, Izhorian, Finnish, Estonian, Swedish or Russian –, all who have roots in this corner of the world or identify themselves as Ingrians. Historical Ingria (Finnish: Inkeri or Inkerinmaa; Russian: Ингрия, Ижорская земля or Ингерманландия, Swedish: Ingermanland; Estonian: Ingeri or Ingerimaa) is the geographical area...
South African War Veterans Association - Oudstrydersbond These Veterans of the Anglo Boer war belonged to the Military Veteran Association named the "Oudstrydersbond" or "League of Veterans" You can search here It was last updated in 2011 A Stephanus Francois Abrie 1884 to 1950. Edward James Abraham 1880 to 1937. Abraham Jeremias Joachim Ackerman 1879 t...