
Add a partner to a union and return the added profile.




Name Type Description Required
about_me String Profile's about me section false
baptism Event Profile's baptism event info false
birth Event Profile's birth event info false
burial Event Profile's burial event info false
death Event Profile's death event info false
display_name String The profile's display name false
email String The Profile's email address false
first_name String The profile's first name false
gender String The profile's gender false
is_alive Boolean True if the profile is living false
last_name String The profile's last name false
maiden_name String The profile's maiden name false
middle_name String The profile's middle name false
public Boolean True if the profile is public false
suffix String The profile's suffix false

Returned Fields

Name Type Description
adopted_children Array of Strings Subset of the children array, indicating which children are adopted
children Array of Strings Array of children in the union (urls or ids, if requested)
divorce Event Divorce date and location
foster_children Array of Strings Subset of the children array, indicating which children are foster
id String The union's id
marriage Event Marriage date and location
marriage_date Date When the couple was married
marriage_location Location Where the couple was married
partners Array of Strings Array of partners in the union (urls or ids, if requested)
status String The status of the union (spouse|ex_spouse)
Note: Blank fields will not be returned to save bandwidth.
