
Returns information about a photo.



Name Type Description Required
fields Array of Strings You can pass a list of fields you want returned in your call. For example, to get just the title of a photo: false
ids Array of Strings You can select a group of photos on specific urls. For example:,31534,145 returns photo data for all three ids. false

Returned Fields

Name Type Description
album_id String The id of the album where the photo is stored
attribution String The photo's attribution
content_type String The photo's original content type
created_at String Timestamp of when the photo was created
date String The photo's date
description String The photo's description
guid String The old GUID
id String The photo's id
location Location The photo's location
sizes PhotoImageSizeMap URLs to the photo's sizes
tags Array of Strings URLs (or ids) of profiles tagged in the photo
title String The photo's title
updated_at String Timestamp of when the photo was last updated
url String The api url of the photo
Note: Blank fields will not be returned to save bandwidth.
