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a) daughter . The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa names “le commandant de Mélitène…Khouril, beau-père de Thoros Curopalate d´Edesse”[1152]. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by Vardan's History which names "Ghavril, father-in-law of the curopalate of Edessa" as "prince of the city [of Melitene]" when recording that he defeated the armies of Sultan Kilij Arslan in 1098[1153]. Smbat Sparapet's Chronicle records that "the prince of [Melitene] Ghavril…was the father-in-law of curopalate Toros"[1154].
m THOROS, son of HETHUM [II] & his wife --- (-murdered 9 Mar 1098). He was installed as Governor of Edessa.