Immediate Family
About William Bertram of Nisbet
William Bertram of Nisbet, here treated, held three parts of the fifty shilling land of old extent of Nisbet in Lanarkshire. He purchased a twelve shilling six penny land there from William Lindsay, portioner of Nisbet on 24 November 1619. NRS: GD5/2 Alexander, Earl of Linlithgow, resigned another twelve shilling six penny land there in his favour on 8 June 1622, NRS: GD5/3 and on 22 November 1636 yet another twelve shilling six penny land in Nisbet was resigned in William Bertram's favour by James Lindsay of Enoch and William Lindsay in Nisbet,. NRS: GD5/6 When he died he was succeeded by his son John Bertram, who had a precept of clare constat for his father's holdings from the feudal superior, Sir William Baillie of Lamington. NRS: GD5/7
William Bertram of Nisbet, here treated, died before 14 July 1646. NRS: GD5/7
- John Bertram of Nisbet
- Reverend Mr. Alexander Bertram of Dambrae, Minister of the Gospel at Kilbucho
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
Copy of an undated charter which belongs to the period 10 November 1592 x 24 December 1621 [Note]: Typed translation of feu charter by Alexander, Earl of Linlithgow, and William Livingstone of West Quarter, nephew of the said earl and heir to Lord William Livingstone, sometime knight of Culter, his grandfather, in favour of William Bertram, portioner of Nisbet, in liferent, and Alexander Bertram, his son, in fee, in fulfilment of a contract and in return for a sum of money of the 20s lands of Skelhill, presently possessed by Mr Robert, minister at Culter, and John Bertram, eldest son of the said William, in the barony of Culter and county of Lanark, with specified exceptions and with specified privileges on the common of Culter. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/280
Note: Lord William Livingstone died before 29 November 1592. The Scots Peerage V: 442 Alexander, Earl of Linlithgow, died on 24 December 1621. Ibidem: 445
24 November 1619: Charter of sale by William Lindsay, portioner of Nesbitt [Nisbet] and Katherine Levingstoun [Livingstone], his wife, in favour of William Bartrum [Bertram], in liferent, and John Bartrum, his son, in fee of the fourth part extending to a 12s 6d land, of the 50s land of Nesbit occupied at present by thomas Bartrum, with houses and other pertinent occupied and inhabited at present by John Blak [Black] and James Hilts [Hilson], his sub-tenant, between the onset of William Hammiltoun [Hamilton], portioner of Nesbit, on the north and the onset of said William Bartrum on the south, to be held of Alexander Menzeis [Menzies that ilk and his successors. [2 tags] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/2
8 June 1622: Charter of resignation by Alexander, Earl of Linlytgo [Linlithgow], in favour of William Bartrum [Bertram] of the half of the 25s lands of Neisbit [Nisbet], extending to a 12s 6d land of old extent, with the part of land called Heidroume before the gate of the lower hall, formerly pertaining to Mr Robert Somerwell [Somerville], minister at Coulter, a resigned by him in accordance with a disposition in favour of said William. [Tag] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/3
19 June 1623: Signeted letters of inhibition at the instance of William Bartram [Bertram], portioner of Nisbet, against William Hamiltoun [Hamilton], portioner of Nisbet, following on (a) contract of wadset, 3 December 1622, whereby said William Hamilto set in tack to said William Bartram the 12s 6d land then occupied by h and his tenants in the town and territory of Nisbet, under redemption 320 merks, with other provisions; (b) disposition, 24 November 1621, by the said William Hamiltoun in favour of Mr Robert Somerwall [Somerville] on one half of the 25s land Nisbet extending to a 12s 6d land of old extent; and (c) disposition and assignation, 8 June 1622, by the said Robert in favour of the said William Bertram of (b) supra. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/4
20 and 27 May 1630: Disposition by the Earl of Linlithgow to William Bertram, portioner of Nisbett, of the lands of Isobelhill. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the family of Dickson of Hartree, reference GD184/1/7/10
27 November 1630: Feu charter by Alexander, Earl of Lynlithgow [Linlithgow], and William Levingstoune [Livingstone] of Westquarter, his cousin germane, eldest son and heir of Sir William Levingstoune of Culter, kt, in favour of William Bartrume [Bertram], portioner of Nisbitt [Nisbet], and Alexander Bertrume, his second son, in fee of the 25s land of Isbelhill occupied by Mr Robert Somervill [Somerville], minister at Culter, and John Bartrume, eldest son of said William, with specified reservations and with specified privileges in the common of Culter in fulfilment of a contract of same date and in return for a sum of money. [Tag] National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/278
22 November 1636: Charter of sale by James Meinzeis [Menzies] of Enoch and William Lindsay son of deceased William Lindsay in Nisbit [Nisbet], in favour of William Bartrum [Bertram], portioner of Nisbit, and John Bartrum, his son, of quarter, extending to a 12s 6d land, of the 50s land of old extent of Nisbit sometime pertaining to said William Lindsay and the out-field a infield land thereof, now occupied by said William Bartrum, lying between the outset of John Hamilton, portioner there, on the north and the out of said William Bartrum on the south, which lands came into the hands of said James as heir of Adam Meinzeis his father, as parts and pertinents of his lands of Culter.National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/6
14 July 1646: Instrument of sasine following on a precept of clare constat, 10 May 1646 by Sir William Bailzie [Baillie] of Lamingtoun [Lamington], kt, in favour of John Bertrame [Bertram] as heir to his father William Bertrame, portioner of Nisbet, in a quarter of the lands of Nisbet, extending to 25s land of old extent, and in the half of the 25s land of Nisbet extending to a 12s 6d land of old extent, with the piece of land called Heidroume before the gate of the lower hall. Registered PRS Lanark, IV, 15 an 16, 31 July 1646. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bertram family of Nisbet, Lanarkshire, reference GD5/7
Note: The lands of Nisbet are located in the parish of Culter and sheriffdom of Lanark.