public profile
Vratislaus I, Duke of Bohemia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vratislaus_I,_Duke_of_Bohemia
Vratislaus I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I and the son of Bořivoj I.
By his wife Drahomira, Vratislaus had two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I). Střezislava, the wife of the important Bohemian nobleman Slavnik (founder of Slavnik's dynasty), is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
The Chronicle of Fulda reports that in 900 the Bavarians attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. Vratislaus died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars.
VRATISLAV I. narozen okolo roku 888 a zemřel 13.2.921
Český kníže vládl v letech 915-921
Kníže Vratislav I., mladší syn Bořivoje I. vládl po smrti bratra Spytihněva I.. Musel bránit Čechy před častými nájezdy Maďarů. Vratislav I. je také zakladatelem kostela svatého Jiří na Pražském hradě. Celou dobu usiloval o sblížení s dalšími západoslovanskými kmeny.
Manželka Drahomíra, která po smrti Vratislava dne 15.9.921 vyslala na Tětín své družiníky, aby uškrtili její tchýni Ludmilu.Na krátký čas se ujala poručenské vlády za svého syna Václava I. a také se zmocnila Ludmilina majetku.
Yrke: Hertig av Böhmen
Far: Borzivoj I av Böhmen (- 895)
Mor: Ludmilla 'den heliga' (- 921)
Död: 921
Familj med Drahomira av Stodor
Barn: Boleslav I 'den grymme' av Böhmen (- 972)
Vratislaus I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I and the son of Bořivoj I.
By his wife Drahomira, Vratislaus had two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I). Střezislava, the wife of the important Bohemian nobleman Slavnik (founder of Slavnik's dynasty), is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
The Chronicle of Fulda reports that in 900 the Bavarians attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. Vratislaus died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars.
Preceded by
Spytihnev I Duke of Bohemia
915–c. 921 Succeeded by
* Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis; Line 244-7
* The Plantagenet Ancestry by William Henry Turton, Page 85
* Royal Highness, Ancestry of the Royal Child by Sir Iain Moncreiffe, Pages 64-65
Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia (1)
M, #150025, d. 921
Last Edited=8 Jul 2005
Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia was the son of Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia. (1) He died in 921. (1)
Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia was a member of the House of Premysl. (1) He succeeded to the title of Duke of Bohemia in 912. (1)
Children of Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia
-1. Borislav I 'the Cruel', Duke of Bohemia+ d. bt 967 - 972 (1)
-2. Saint Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia d. 929 (1)
Title: Prince of Bohemia
Death: 13 FEB 920/21
Vratislaus I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I and the son of Bořivoj I.
By his wife Drahomira, Vratislaus had two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I). Střezislava, the wife of the important Bohemian nobleman Slavnik (founder of Slavnik's dynasty), is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
The Chronicle of Fulda reports that in 900 the Bavarians attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. Vratislaus died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars
Hertug av Böhmen 907 - 921.
Wratislav var en ivrig tilhenger av kristendommen, som snart vant stor utbredelse i landet
Tekst: Tore Nygaard
Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 28. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 82.
Vratislaus I of Bohemia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vratislaus I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I.
By his wife Drahomira, Vratislaus had two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I). Střezislava, the wife of the important Bohemian nobleman Slavnik (founder of Slavnik's dynasty), is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
The Chronicle of Fulda reports that in 900 the Bavarians attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. Vratislaus died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars.
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis; Line 244-7
The Plantagenet Ancestry by William Henry Turton, Page 85
Royal Highness, Ancestry of the Royal Child by Sir Iain Moncreiffe, Pages 64-65
Vratislav I. (* um 888; † 13. Februar 921) war ein böhmischer Herzog von aus dem Geschlecht der Přemysliden und Vater des Heiligen Wenzel.
Leben [Bearbeiten]
Vratislav war der Sohn von Herzog Bořivoj I. und seiner Gattin Ludmilla. Seit etwa 906 war er mit Drahomíra aus dem westslawischen Stamm der Heveller verheiratet. Aus dieser Ehe entstammten unter anderem der Heilige Wenzel, Boleslav I. und vermutlich ein weiterer Sohn namens Spytihněv sowie vier Töchter.
915 übernahm er nach dem Tod seines Bruders Spytihněv I. die Herrschaft über die zentralbömische Region um Prag, die er bis zu seinem Tod 921 ausübte. Außenpolitisch gehörte Böhmen in seiner Regierungszeit in den Einflußbereich des bayerischen Herzogs Arnulf I. Um sich gegen die wachsende Bedrohung durch die sächsischen Herzöge zu schützen, schloss Böhmen weitere Bündnisse. Die Heirat Vratislavs mit Drahomíra verband das Land mit dem damals mächtigsten elbslawischen Stamm. Den magyarischen Kriegern, die seit Beginn des 10. Jahrhunderts im Westen einfielen, gewährte er freien Durchzug durch Böhmen, und 915 beteiligten sich böhmische Krieger an einem ungarischen Überfall in Sachsen.
Im Inneren stärkten die Söhne des ersten christlichen böhmischen Herzogs Bořivoj die dominierende Rolle der Přemysliden-Dynastie. Sie bauten neue Burgen an den Grenzen ihres Machtbereiches und drängten den Einfluß anderer böhmischer Fürsten zurück. Die wenigen schriftlichen und archäologischen Quellen lassen es nicht zu, die Bedeutung beider Brüder in dem Prozess der Staatsbildung genauer voneinander abzugrenzen. Sicher ist, dass 897 zuletzt mehrere Fürsten in Regensburg als Vertreter Böhmens auftraten. Vratislavs Sohn Wenzel ist 929 dagegen bereits unbestritten Herrscher des ganzen Landes, auch wenn die lokalen Fürstentümer fortbestanden. Während der etwa 20-jährigen Regierung Spytihněvs und der anschließenden etwa 6-jährigen Herrschaft Vratislavs setzte sich demnach die Dynastie der Přemysliden endgültig durch.
Vratislav starb im Alter von 33 Jahren. Sein Grab soll sich in der St. Georgs-Basilika in der Prager Burg befinden.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Dušan Třeštík: Počátky Přemyslovců. Nakladatelství lidové noviny, 1998, ISBN 80-7106-138-7
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* genealogie-mittelalter.de
Vratislaus I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I and the son of Bořivoj I.
By his wife Drahomira, Vratislaus had two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I). Střezislava, the wife of the important Bohemian nobleman Slavnik (founder of Slavnik's dynasty), is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
The Chronicle of Fulda reports that in 900 the Bavarians attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. Vratislaus died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars.
Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia was a member of the House of Premysl. He succeeded to the title of Duke of Bohemia in 912. [the Peerage.com]
Vratislav married Drahomira of Stodor on an unknown date. (Drahomira of Stodor died after 935 2.)
Vratislaus I or Wratislaus I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c.888 – February 13, 921), Duke of Bohemia (915 – 921), was the younger brother of Spytihnev I and the son of Bořivoj I.
By his wife Drahomira, Vratislaus had two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I). Střezislava, the wife of the important Bohemian nobleman Slavnik (founder of Slavnik's dynasty), is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
The Chronicle of Fulda reports that in 900 the Bavarians attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. Vratislaus died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars.
Vratislaus (or Wratislaus) I (Czech: Vratislav I) (c. 888 – February 13, 921), a scion of the Přemyslid dynasty, was Duke of Bohemia from 915 to 921.
He was the son of Duke Borivoj I of Bohemia by his wife Ludmila, and the younger brother of Duke Spytihnev I.
By his wife Drahomíra, a Hevellian princess, Vratislaus had at least two sons, Wenceslaus and Boleslaus (also called Boleslaw I), who both succeeded him as Bohemian dukes. Střezislava, the wife of the Bohemian nobleman Slavnik, founder of Slavnik's dynasty, is also by some historians supposed to be a daughter of Vratislaus.
Upon the death of his elder brother Spytihnev in 915, Vratislaus became Bohemian duke at a time when his duchy had already turned away from Great Moravia and had fallen under East Frankish, especially Bavarian influence. The Annales Fuldenses report that in 900 the Bavarians had attacked Moravia in alliance with the Bohemians. On the other hand Vratislaus supported the Magyars on their 915 campaign against the Duchy of Saxony under Duke Henry the Fowler.
Vratislaus is credited with the donation of St. George's Basilica at Prague Castle and also with the foundation of the Silesian city of Wrocław (Vratislavia). He died (possibly in 919, although 921 is more often conjectured) in battle against the Magyars.
Był synem Borzywoja i Ludmiły, młodszym bratem Spitygniewa I.
Kronikarz Szymon de Kéza w Gesta Hungarorum podaje, że Wratysław I zginął w walce w czasie najazdu Węgrów na Czechy i Morawy.
W 906 lub 907 roku poślubił Drahomirę, księżniczkę stodorańską. Z tego małżeństwa pochodzili:
Wacław I Święty,
Bolesław I Srogi,
Spitygniew, zmarły młodo
4 córki.
Dworzaczek W., Genealogia, Warszawa 1959, tabl. 81.
Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia was the son of Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia.1 He died in 921 He was a member of the House of Premysl.1 He succeeded to the title of Duke of Bohemia in 912 - http://www.thepeerage.com/p15003.htm
Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia died in 895 He was a member of the House of Premysl.1 He gained the title of Duke of Bohemia in 870 Children of Borivoj I, Duke of Bohemia
Judith of Bohemia is the daughter of Vratislav I, King of Bohemia. Child of Judith of Bohemia and Wiprecht II Graf von Groitzsch
Vratislav I, King of Bohemia was born in 1032.2 He was the son of Bretislav I, Duke of Bohemia.1 He married Swatawa Piast, daughter of Casimir I, Duke of Poland and Dobronega Maria of Kiev, in 1063.2 He died in 1092.1
He was a member of the House of Premysl.1 He succeeded to the title of Duke Vratislav II of Bohemia in 1061.1 He was created King Vratislav I of Bohemia in 1085. Children of Vratislav I, King of Bohemia
877 |
Praha (Prague, Prag), Bohemia (Czech Republic)
897 |
Prague, Bohemia (Czech Republic)
907 |
Bohemia (Böhmen), Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
920 |
(Bohemia), Czech Republic
921 |
February 13, 921
Age 44
Praha (Prague, Prag), Bohemia (Czech Republic)
Age 44
Age 44
Bohemia - aka Wenceslas
???? | |||
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