Unknown de la Chaussé

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Unknown de la Chaussé

Immediate Family:

Husband of Unknown
Father of Marie Anna De La Chausse)

Managed by: Marsha Gail Veazey
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Unknown de la Chaussé

Managers of Marie de la Chaussé,

I am contacting you about this profile: https://www.geni.com/people/Marie-de-la-Chauss%C3%A9/54363797589900...

There is a mistake concerning Marie's parents. They are unknown, according to reliable sources (e.g., https://genealogie-acadienne.net/?action=indiDetails&I=642176; and https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Robichaud-81), yet we have her connected to Estienne Robichaux, as her father, and Hussy Gabany, as her mother. Those are her husband's parents, so that means that on our line, we have currently have a brother (i.e., Louis Robichaud) and his sister (i.e., Marie de la Chaussé) begetting children (i.e., Charles Robicheaux and Étienne Robichaud).

The sources I've cited above (i.e., genealogie-acadienne.net and www.wikitree.com) confirm the parents erroneously assigned to Marie de la Chaussé properly belong to her husband, Louis Robichaud.

How can we disconnect Marie de la Chaussé from her husband's parents, and give her the "Unknown" parents she currently needs?


Olivier Jarvis Lavoie