1. --- (-before 908). The name of the husband of Mathilde is not known but, if the chronicler Widukind is to be believed, he was a descendant of Duke Widukind[43]. This appears corroborated by the transmission of the name Widukind to his grandson. If this is correct, from a chronological point of view it is likely that he was the great-grandson of Widukind. m MATHILDE, daughter of --- (-911 or after). The mother of "Thietrici comitis" is named "abbatissa Mahthild" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ, which specifies that she was abbess at Herford[44]. According to Grote[45], she was recorded as abbess in 908 and 911 but the primary sources on which this is based have not so far been identified. Mathilde & her husband had one child:
a) THEODERIC (-8 Nov 917[46]). Widukind names "Thiadrici" as father of Queen Mathilde, specifying that the family was "stirpis magni ducis Widukindi"[47]. The father of Queen Mathilde is named "Thietricus" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[48].
m REGINLIND [Reinhild], daughter of --- (-11 May ---). The wife of Theoderich is named "Reinhildam, Danorum Fresonumque germine procreatam" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[49]. ... ... ... ...
Theoderic & his wife had seven children:.i) WIDUKIND . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[55].
ii) IMMED [I] . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[56].
iii) REGINBERN . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde, specifying that Reginbern fought against the Danes[57].
iv) MATHILDE ([896]-Quedlinburg 14 Mar 968, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche). Widukind names "Mahthilda" as wife of King Heinrich, also naming her father and three brothers[58]. Thietmar names Mathilde as daughter of "Dietrich and Reinhild" when recording her marriage to Heinrich, and specifies that she was "a descendant of the lineage of King Widukind"[59]. Her alleged descent from Widukind is also referred to in the Vita Mahthildis[60]. Thietmar records that Quedlinburg was bestowed on Mathilde as part of her dower 16 Sep 929[61], and that she established the convent there thirty days after the death of her husband[62]. Lay Abbess of Nivelles. The necrology of Fulda records the death "968 II Id Mar" of "Mahthild regina"[63]. m (Wallhausen 909) as his second wife, HEINRICH Graf, son of OTTO "der Erlauchte" Graf im Südthüringau & his wife Hedwig [Babenberg] ([876]-Memleben 2 Jul 936, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche). He was elected as HEINRICH I "der Vogelsteller/the Fowler" King of Germany at Fritzlar 6 May 919.
v) AMALRADA ([7 Sep] -). A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[64]. The Vita Domni Deoderici Episcopi Maioris names "Amelrada" as wife of "comite Everardo", sister of "Mathildis reginæ…filiæ Thiadrici ducis", and she and her husband as parents of "Deodericum ex pago Saxoniæ Hamalant"[65]. The necrology of Gorze records the death "VII Id Sep" of "Amarrada comitissa"[66]. m EBERHARD, son of [EBERHARD Graf im Keldachgau und im Bonngau [Ezzonen] & his wife ---] (-[3 Sep] before 964). Graaf van Drenthe en Salland.
vi) FREDERUNA (-18 Jan 971). Thietmar refers to "Counts Wichmann and Ekbert…brothers" as sons of Emperor Otto I's maternal aunt[67], but does not name their mother. A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[68]. It is also possible that the wife of Wichmann [II] was the sister Bia, unless she can be identified as the mother of Friedrich (see below). The necrology of Fulda records the death "970 Id Jan" of "Fridarun comitissa [anc Christi]"[69], presumably showing that she became a nun before she died. m WICHMANN [II], son of BILLUNG & his wife --- (-23 Apr 944).
vii) BIA [Pia] (-25 May -) A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[70]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistiani" on the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" to "nobili matronæ…Biæ ipsius…matri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937, in consultation with "Burchardi, Ebarhardi, Chuonradi, Heinrici atque Utonis…comitum"[71], although it is not known whether this was the same Bia. The necrology of Merseburg records the death "25 May" of "Bia soror regine Mahtildis"[72]. same person as…? BIA (-after 21 Oct 937). "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistani" to "nobili matronæ Bia ipsius…matri" at the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937[73]. It is not certain that this refers to the same person as Bia, daughter of Theoderic, but this is likely to be the case. No other noble lady of this name has been identified around the date of this charter, and "matrona" is the term usually applied to members of the high nobility. The wording of the charter suggests that Bia's husband had died before the date of the grant. m --- (-before 21 Oct 937). The name of Bia's husband is not known. Bia & her husband had one child:(a) FRIEDRICH (-after 21 Oct 937). "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistani" to "nobili matronæ Bia ipsius…matri" at the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937[74].
Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM was born about 853 in Ringelheim, Goslar, * Hannover, Prussia : Alt. Birth 299 He died Unknown
Count Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM was born in 828 in Ringelheim, Gostar, Hannover, * Saxony. Alt. Birth 377 He died before 891.
and this site takes it back to:
Wolpert VON RINGELHEIM was born in 800 in Ringelheim, Gostar, Hannover, Germany.He died in 856.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony:
THEODERIC (-8 Nov 917[30]).
Widukind names "Thiadrici" as father of Queen Mathilde, specifying that the family was "stirpis magni ducis Widukindi"[31]. The father of Queen Mathilde is named "Thietricus" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[32].
m REGINLIND [Reinhild], daughter of --- (-11 May ----).
Theoderic & his wife had seven children:
1. WIDUKIND . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[39].
2. IMMED [I] . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[40].
3. REGINBERN . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde, specifying that Reginbern fought against the Danes[41].
4. MATHILDE ([896]-Quedlinburg 14 Mar 968, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche, married Heinrich, Graf Heinrich, future King of Germany, became Queen of Germany and saint).
5. AMELRADA ([7 Sep] ----, married Eberhard, Graf in der Drenthe und im Salland)
6. FREDERUNA (-18 Jan 971, married Wichmann II, son of Billung, later became a nun before death).
7. BIA [Pia] (-25 May ----, married and had a son named Friedrich)
According to the German Wikipedia page on Ringelheim:
Ringelheim existed before Frankish times at a crossroad of two military and trade routes (between Brunswick, Goslar, and Hildesheim). It had jurisdiction over the salt district of Saltzgitteraner. Probably in the reign of the King of East Franconia Heinrich I and Mathilde from the House of Immedinger (919-936) was a royal convent, possibly formed by Graf Immat (Immed I?) of the House of Immedinger in 940.
Die Immedinger waren ein sächsisches Adelsgeschlecht zur Zeit der Liudolfinger, zu deren Vorfahren – wenn auch nicht im Mannesstamm – der Sachsenherzog Widukind gehörte.
* 1 Geschichte
* 2 Die bekannten Mitglieder der Familie
* 3 Die Immedinger (Widukinde) nach Böttger, 1865
* 4 Die Immedinger nach Ohainski, Schubert & Streich, 2004
o 4.1 Die Nachkommen der Äbtissin Mathilde
o 4.2 Die Nachkommen des Grafen Immed III.
* 5 ohne Zuordnung
* 6 Literatur
* 7 Weblinks
* 8 Einzelnachweise
Geschichte [Bearbeiten]
Die Immedinger hatten umfangreichen Besitz in Ostfalen und waren die Erben der Familie Widukinds in Westfalen; beide Familien werden zu den Gegnern Karls des Großen gezählt. Das Hauskloster der Immendinger war Ringelheim an der Innerste im Zentralbereich des Familienbesitzes.
Der Historiker Gerd Althoff hält es für möglich [1], dass die Unterscheiderung der Immedinger von den Widukinden „genealogische Fiktion“ ist und die Heilige Mathilde zu den direkten Nachkommen Widukinds zu rechnen sei.
Die bekannten Mitglieder der Familie [Bearbeiten]
* Mathilde, die Äbtissin des Klosters Herford, sowie ihre Enkelin, die
* Heilige Mathilde (* wohl 896, † 14. März 968), die Tochter des Grafen Dietrich (Theoderich) und der Reginlind, heiratete im Jahre 909 in Wallhausen den späteren ostfränkischen König Heinrich I., Laienäbtissin von Nivelles; sie wurde in der Stiftskirche von Quedlinburg begraben.
* deren Schwester Frederuna († 10. Februar 917), seit April 907 Ehefrau des Königs Karl III. von Frankreich
* Bischof Meinwerk von Paderborn (1009-1036), Sohn des Immed IV.
* Emma von Lesum, Meinwerks Schwester und Ehefrau des sächsischen Grafen Liutger, jüngerer Sohn des Hermann Billung aus dem Geschlecht der Billunger
Die Immedinger (Widukinde) nach Böttger, 1865 [Bearbeiten]
1. Widukind (, erwähnt 777, 789), auch Witekind, Herzog der Westfalen (Sachsen) ∞ Geva
1. Gisela, auch Hasala ∞ Berno, Sohn von Bruno I., Herzog der Engern 775
2. Wigbert († nach 25. Dezember 834), Herzog der Engern ∞ Odrade
1. Walbert († 876, erwähnt 834, 874) ∞ Altburge († 880)
1. Reginbern († vor 17. Oktober 872), Graf 856 ∞ Mathilde († nach 911), nachher Äbtissin des Klosters Herford
1. Theoderich († nach 929, erwähnt 900, 909), Graf in Westfalen ∞ Reinhilde von Dänemark († 11. Mai nach 929)
1. Mathilde (* wohl 896; † 14. März 968) ∞ Heinrich I. (* 876; † 2. Juli 936), Herzog von Sachsen 912, ostfränkischer König von 14. April 919 bis 936
2. Bia († 25. Mai vor 954) ∞ Wichmann I. († 23. April 944), auch Wigmann, gen. der Ältere (Billunger)
3. Frederuna († 10 Februar 917) ∞ April 907 Karl III. der Einfältige von Frankreich (Karolinger)
2. Widukind († 909)
3. Immed (III.)? († 12. Oktober 953) siehe unten
2. Wigbert († 8. September 908), Bischof von Verden von 874 bis 908
Die Immedinger nach Ohainski, Schubert & Streich, 2004 [Bearbeiten]
Die Nachkommen der Äbtissin Mathilde [Bearbeiten]
1. Mathilde, Äbtissin des Klosters Herford
1. Dietrich Graf von Hamaland ∞ Reinhilde (Reginlind)
1. Mathilde (* 896; † 14. März 968 in Quedlinburg ) ∞ in Wallhausen 909, König Heinrich I. († 9. Juli 936 in Memleben ), König der Ostfranken 919
2. Widukind
3. Immed
4. Reginbern
5. Friderun († 18. Januar 971)
6. Bia
7. Amalrada ∞ Eberhard († 964), Graf in der Betuwe und im Salland ab 944/60
Die Nachkommen des Grafen Immed III. [Bearbeiten]
1. Immed III. (gefallen 954)
1. Waldered (um 984) ∞ Bertha (um 984), Tochter von Burchard III. († 973), Herzog von Schwaben seit 954
1. Thiedrich, auch Dietrich († 6. März 995), Pfalzgraf in Sachsen seit 982 ∞ Fritheruna (um 974)
1. Siegbert (995/um 1007, † 1017), Graf in Ostfalen & Hessen
2. Dietrich, Mönch zu Corvey
3. Thiedburga
2. Siegbert (984 Sicco, † 14. Oktober 995), Graf im Liesgau seit 990
1. Siegbert (um 983), Mönch zu Corvey
2. NN-Tochter ∞ Lothar-Udo (getötet bei Stade am 23. Juni 994), Graf von Stade
3. Unwan († 17. oder 26. Januar 1029), Erzbischof von Hamburg-Bremen von 1013 bis 1029
3. Gisela (um 984)
2. Immed IV. († 27. Januar 983), Graf im Bistum Utrecht ∞ Adela († 6. August 1020/28), Tochter von Wichmann, Graf im Bistum Utrecht ∞ II. vor 996, Balderich, Graf in der Drenthe († 5. Juni 1021 auf Burg Heimbach)
1. Meinwerk († 5. oder 6. Juni 1036), auch Meinwart, Domherr zu Halberstadt , königlicher Hofkapellan & Kantor von St. Marien zu Aachen1001 bis 1009, Bischof zu Paderborn von 1009 bis 1036
2. Dietrich († 17. April 1014), Graf im Bistum Lüttich
3. Athela († nach 1027), Kanonissin zu Elten
4. Glismod († 5. Februar vor 1041) ∞ Adalbert († 26. Mai 1055), Markgraf der Ostmark (Babenberger ), II. ∞ Otakar/Otger/Oci/Ozzi, 993 Graf im Kroatengau (in Kärnten), III. ∞ Graf Reding/Reting
5. Emma († 3. Dezember 1038) ∞ Liudger († 1001), Sohn von Hermann Billung, Herzog von Sachsen
ohne Zuordnung [Bearbeiten]
Wiltrud (oder Wiltraut) * um 915, Gemahlin von Herzog Bernhard III. und vermutlich Mutter von Dietrich I., dem Ahnherrn der Wettiner.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Uwe Ohainski, Ernst Schubert & Gerhard Streich: Stammtafel der Welfen, nach den Originalquellen bearbeitet von Heinrich Böttger (†), Königlicher Bibliothek-Secretair. Herausgegeben von F. Klindworth, 1865. Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung Hannover, 2004 ISBN 3-7752-6019-6
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* Immedinger auf www.genealogie-mittelalter.de
Einzelnachweise [Bearbeiten]
1. ↑ „Genealogische und andere Fiktionen in mittelalterlicher Historiographie“, in: Fälschungen im Mittelalter, Schriften der MGH 33, I, 1988, Seite 428ff
Count of Ringelheim. Theudebert and Dietrich may be different persons, in
which case the sources conflict on the parentage of Mathilda.
Count of Westphalia
Dietrich was Count of Ringelheim 856-920, and was also Count of Oldenburg.
which case the sources conflict on the parentage of Mathilda.
Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 59. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 67.
1. --- (-before 908). The name of the husband of Mathilde is not known but, if the chronicler Widukind is to be believed, he was a descendant of Duke Widukind[43]. This appears corroborated by the transmission of the name Widukind to his grandson. If this is correct, from a chronological point of view it is likely that he was the great-grandson of Widukind. m MATHILDE, daughter of --- (-911 or after). The mother of "Thietrici comitis" is named "abbatissa Mahthild" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ, which specifies that she was abbess at Herford[44]. According to Grote[45], she was recorded as abbess in 908 and 911 but the primary sources on which this is based have not so far been identified. Mathilde & her husband had one child:
a) THEODERIC (-8 Nov 917[46]). Widukind names "Thiadrici" as father of Queen Mathilde, specifying that the family was "stirpis magni ducis Widukindi"[47]. The father of Queen Mathilde is named "Thietricus" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[48].
m REGINLIND [Reinhild], daughter of --- (-11 May ---). The wife of Theoderich is named "Reinhildam, Danorum Fresonumque germine procreatam" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[49]. ... ... ... ...
Theoderic & his wife had seven children:.i) WIDUKIND . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[55].
ii) IMMED [I] . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[56].
iii) REGINBERN . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde, specifying that Reginbern fought against the Danes[57].
iv) MATHILDE ([896]-Quedlinburg 14 Mar 968, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche). Widukind names "Mahthilda" as wife of King Heinrich, also naming her father and three brothers[58]. Thietmar names Mathilde as daughter of "Dietrich and Reinhild" when recording her marriage to Heinrich, and specifies that she was "a descendant of the lineage of King Widukind"[59]. Her alleged descent from Widukind is also referred to in the Vita Mahthildis[60]. Thietmar records that Quedlinburg was bestowed on Mathilde as part of her dower 16 Sep 929[61], and that she established the convent there thirty days after the death of her husband[62]. Lay Abbess of Nivelles. The necrology of Fulda records the death "968 II Id Mar" of "Mahthild regina"[63]. m (Wallhausen 909) as his second wife, HEINRICH Graf, son of OTTO "der Erlauchte" Graf im Südthüringau & his wife Hedwig [Babenberg] ([876]-Memleben 2 Jul 936, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche). He was elected as HEINRICH I "der Vogelsteller/the Fowler" King of Germany at Fritzlar 6 May 919.
v) AMALRADA ([7 Sep] -). A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[64]. The Vita Domni Deoderici Episcopi Maioris names "Amelrada" as wife of "comite Everardo", sister of "Mathildis reginæ…filiæ Thiadrici ducis", and she and her husband as parents of "Deodericum ex pago Saxoniæ Hamalant"[65]. The necrology of Gorze records the death "VII Id Sep" of "Amarrada comitissa"[66]. m EBERHARD, son of [EBERHARD Graf im Keldachgau und im Bonngau [Ezzonen] & his wife ---] (-[3 Sep] before 964). Graaf van Drenthe en Salland.
vi) FREDERUNA (-18 Jan 971). Thietmar refers to "Counts Wichmann and Ekbert…brothers" as sons of Emperor Otto I's maternal aunt[67], but does not name their mother. A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[68]. It is also possible that the wife of Wichmann [II] was the sister Bia, unless she can be identified as the mother of Friedrich (see below). The necrology of Fulda records the death "970 Id Jan" of "Fridarun comitissa [anc Christi]"[69], presumably showing that she became a nun before she died. m WICHMANN [II], son of BILLUNG & his wife --- (-23 Apr 944).
vii) BIA [Pia] (-25 May -) A list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli sets out (in order) "Thieterich, Reginhilt, *, Oto, Amalrat, Perectheid, Friderun, Pia", immediately after a list of family members of Heinrich I King of Germany and his wife, which no doubt refers to the latter's parents and sisters[70]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistiani" on the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" to "nobili matronæ…Biæ ipsius…matri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937, in consultation with "Burchardi, Ebarhardi, Chuonradi, Heinrici atque Utonis…comitum"[71], although it is not known whether this was the same Bia. The necrology of Merseburg records the death "25 May" of "Bia soror regine Mahtildis"[72]. same person as…? BIA (-after 21 Oct 937). "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistani" to "nobili matronæ Bia ipsius…matri" at the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937[73]. It is not certain that this refers to the same person as Bia, daughter of Theoderic, but this is likely to be the case. No other noble lady of this name has been identified around the date of this charter, and "matrona" is the term usually applied to members of the high nobility. The wording of the charter suggests that Bia's husband had died before the date of the grant. m --- (-before 21 Oct 937). The name of Bia's husband is not known. Bia & her husband had one child:(a) FRIEDRICH (-after 21 Oct 937). "Otto…rex" granted property "in Gereslevo…in pago Svevia in comitatu Crhistani" to "nobili matronæ Bia ipsius…matri" at the request of "Friderici fidelis nostri" by charter dated 21 Oct 937[74].
Count Of Ringelheim Theodoric Countess Of RINGELHEIM was born about 853 in Ringelheim, Goslar, * Hannover, Prussia : Alt. Birth 299 He died Unknown
Count Of Ringelheim Reginhart Count Of VON RINGELHEIM was born in 828 in Ringelheim, Gostar, Hannover, * Saxony. Alt. Birth 377 He died before 891.
and this site takes it back to:
Wolpert VON RINGELHEIM was born in 800 in Ringelheim, Gostar, Hannover, Germany.He died in 856.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony:
THEODERIC (-8 Nov 917[30]).
Widukind names "Thiadrici" as father of Queen Mathilde, specifying that the family was "stirpis magni ducis Widukindi"[31]. The father of Queen Mathilde is named "Thietricus" in the Vita Mathildis Reginæ[32].
m REGINLIND [Reinhild], daughter of --- (-11 May ----).
Theoderic & his wife had seven children:
1. WIDUKIND . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[39].
2. IMMED [I] . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde[40].
3. REGINBERN . Widukind names (in order) "Widukind, Immed et Reginbern" as brothers of Queen Mathilde, specifying that Reginbern fought against the Danes[41].
4. MATHILDE ([896]-Quedlinburg 14 Mar 968, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche, married Heinrich, Graf Heinrich, future King of Germany, became Queen of Germany and saint).
5. AMELRADA ([7 Sep] ----, married Eberhard, Graf in der Drenthe und im Salland)
6. FREDERUNA (-18 Jan 971, married Wichmann II, son of Billung, later became a nun before death).
7. BIA [Pia] (-25 May ----, married and had a son named Friedrich)
According to the German Wikipedia page on Ringelheim:
Ringelheim existed before Frankish times at a crossroad of two military and trade routes (between Brunswick, Goslar, and Hildesheim). It had jurisdiction over the salt district of Saltzgitteraner. Probably in the reign of the King of East Franconia Heinrich I and Mathilde from the House of Immedinger (919-936) was a royal convent, possibly formed by Graf Immat (Immed I?) of the House of Immedinger in 940.
Die Immedinger waren ein sächsisches Adelsgeschlecht zur Zeit der Liudolfinger, zu deren Vorfahren – wenn auch nicht im Mannesstamm – der Sachsenherzog Widukind gehörte.
* 1 Geschichte
* 2 Die bekannten Mitglieder der Familie
* 3 Die Immedinger (Widukinde) nach Böttger, 1865
* 4 Die Immedinger nach Ohainski, Schubert & Streich, 2004
o 4.1 Die Nachkommen der Äbtissin Mathilde
o 4.2 Die Nachkommen des Grafen Immed III.
* 5 ohne Zuordnung
* 6 Literatur
* 7 Weblinks
* 8 Einzelnachweise
Geschichte [Bearbeiten]
Die Immedinger hatten umfangreichen Besitz in Ostfalen und waren die Erben der Familie Widukinds in Westfalen; beide Familien werden zu den Gegnern Karls des Großen gezählt. Das Hauskloster der Immendinger war Ringelheim an der Innerste im Zentralbereich des Familienbesitzes.
Der Historiker Gerd Althoff hält es für möglich [1], dass die Unterscheiderung der Immedinger von den Widukinden „genealogische Fiktion“ ist und die Heilige Mathilde zu den direkten Nachkommen Widukinds zu rechnen sei.
Die bekannten Mitglieder der Familie [Bearbeiten]
* Mathilde, die Äbtissin des Klosters Herford, sowie ihre Enkelin, die
* Heilige Mathilde (* wohl 896, † 14. März 968), die Tochter des Grafen Dietrich (Theoderich) und der Reginlind, heiratete im Jahre 909 in Wallhausen den späteren ostfränkischen König Heinrich I., Laienäbtissin von Nivelles; sie wurde in der Stiftskirche von Quedlinburg begraben.
* deren Schwester Frederuna († 10. Februar 917), seit April 907 Ehefrau des Königs Karl III. von Frankreich
* Bischof Meinwerk von Paderborn (1009-1036), Sohn des Immed IV.
* Emma von Lesum, Meinwerks Schwester und Ehefrau des sächsischen Grafen Liutger, jüngerer Sohn des Hermann Billung aus dem Geschlecht der Billunger
Die Immedinger (Widukinde) nach Böttger, 1865 [Bearbeiten]
1. Widukind (, erwähnt 777, 789), auch Witekind, Herzog der Westfalen (Sachsen) ∞ Geva
1. Gisela, auch Hasala ∞ Berno, Sohn von Bruno I., Herzog der Engern 775
2. Wigbert († nach 25. Dezember 834), Herzog der Engern ∞ Odrade
1. Walbert († 876, erwähnt 834, 874) ∞ Altburge († 880)
1. Reginbern († vor 17. Oktober 872), Graf 856 ∞ Mathilde († nach 911), nachher Äbtissin des Klosters Herford
1. Theoderich († nach 929, erwähnt 900, 909), Graf in Westfalen ∞ Reinhilde von Dänemark († 11. Mai nach 929)
1. Mathilde (* wohl 896; † 14. März 968) ∞ Heinrich I. (* 876; † 2. Juli 936), Herzog von Sachsen 912, ostfränkischer König von 14. April 919 bis 936
2. Bia († 25. Mai vor 954) ∞ Wichmann I. († 23. April 944), auch Wigmann, gen. der Ältere (Billunger)
3. Frederuna († 10 Februar 917) ∞ April 907 Karl III. der Einfältige von Frankreich (Karolinger)
2. Widukind († 909)
3. Immed (III.)? († 12. Oktober 953) siehe unten
2. Wigbert († 8. September 908), Bischof von Verden von 874 bis 908
Die Immedinger nach Ohainski, Schubert & Streich, 2004 [Bearbeiten]
Die Nachkommen der Äbtissin Mathilde [Bearbeiten]
1. Mathilde, Äbtissin des Klosters Herford
1. Dietrich Graf von Hamaland ∞ Reinhilde (Reginlind)
1. Mathilde (* 896; † 14. März 968 in Quedlinburg ) ∞ in Wallhausen 909, König Heinrich I. († 9. Juli 936 in Memleben ), König der Ostfranken 919
2. Widukind
3. Immed
4. Reginbern
5. Friderun († 18. Januar 971)
6. Bia
7. Amalrada ∞ Eberhard († 964), Graf in der Betuwe und im Salland ab 944/60
Die Nachkommen des Grafen Immed III. [Bearbeiten]
1. Immed III. (gefallen 954)
1. Waldered (um 984) ∞ Bertha (um 984), Tochter von Burchard III. († 973), Herzog von Schwaben seit 954
1. Thiedrich, auch Dietrich († 6. März 995), Pfalzgraf in Sachsen seit 982 ∞ Fritheruna (um 974)
1. Siegbert (995/um 1007, † 1017), Graf in Ostfalen & Hessen
2. Dietrich, Mönch zu Corvey
3. Thiedburga
2. Siegbert (984 Sicco, † 14. Oktober 995), Graf im Liesgau seit 990
1. Siegbert (um 983), Mönch zu Corvey
2. NN-Tochter ∞ Lothar-Udo (getötet bei Stade am 23. Juni 994), Graf von Stade
3. Unwan († 17. oder 26. Januar 1029), Erzbischof von Hamburg-Bremen von 1013 bis 1029
3. Gisela (um 984)
2. Immed IV. († 27. Januar 983), Graf im Bistum Utrecht ∞ Adela († 6. August 1020/28), Tochter von Wichmann, Graf im Bistum Utrecht ∞ II. vor 996, Balderich, Graf in der Drenthe († 5. Juni 1021 auf Burg Heimbach)
1. Meinwerk († 5. oder 6. Juni 1036), auch Meinwart, Domherr zu Halberstadt , königlicher Hofkapellan & Kantor von St. Marien zu Aachen1001 bis 1009, Bischof zu Paderborn von 1009 bis 1036
2. Dietrich († 17. April 1014), Graf im Bistum Lüttich
3. Athela († nach 1027), Kanonissin zu Elten
4. Glismod († 5. Februar vor 1041) ∞ Adalbert († 26. Mai 1055), Markgraf der Ostmark (Babenberger ), II. ∞ Otakar/Otger/Oci/Ozzi, 993 Graf im Kroatengau (in Kärnten), III. ∞ Graf Reding/Reting
5. Emma († 3. Dezember 1038) ∞ Liudger († 1001), Sohn von Hermann Billung, Herzog von Sachsen
ohne Zuordnung [Bearbeiten]
Wiltrud (oder Wiltraut) * um 915, Gemahlin von Herzog Bernhard III. und vermutlich Mutter von Dietrich I., dem Ahnherrn der Wettiner.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Uwe Ohainski, Ernst Schubert & Gerhard Streich: Stammtafel der Welfen, nach den Originalquellen bearbeitet von Heinrich Böttger (†), Königlicher Bibliothek-Secretair. Herausgegeben von F. Klindworth, 1865. Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung Hannover, 2004 ISBN 3-7752-6019-6
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* Immedinger auf www.genealogie-mittelalter.de
Einzelnachweise [Bearbeiten]
1. ↑ „Genealogische und andere Fiktionen in mittelalterlicher Historiographie“, in: Fälschungen im Mittelalter, Schriften der MGH 33, I, 1988, Seite 428ff
Count of Ringelheim. Theudebert and Dietrich may be different persons, in
which case the sources conflict on the parentage of Mathilda.
Count of Westphalia
Dietrich was Count of Ringelheim 856-920, and was also Count of Oldenburg.
which case the sources conflict on the parentage of Mathilda.
Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 59. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 67.
872 |
Ringelheim, Goslar, Angariens, Ostonfrankenreich (Present Germany)
890 |
892 |
895 |
896 |
Enger, (Present Mordrhein-Westfalen), Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany)
900 |
915 |
Salzgitter-Ringelheim, Lower Saxony, Germany
916 |
February 8, 916
Age 44
Ringelheim, Goslar, Angariens, Ostenfrankenreich (Present Germany)