Sir John Talbot, Kt.

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Sir John Talbot, Kt. (1426 - 1485)

Also Known As: "Little John Talbot"
Birthplace: Salesbury, Lancashire, England
Death: before 1485
Lancashire, England
Immediate Family:

Son of John Talbot, of Salebury and Isabella de Cliderou / Clitheroe
Husband of Johanna Radcliffe; Anne NN and Margery Halton
Father of Isabel Assheton; Sir John Talbot, Kt. of Salesbury, Lancs.; Ellen Talbot and Lucy Ashton
Brother of Hugh Talbot; Christopher Talbot; Alexander Talbot; Richard Talbot; Lawrence Talbot and 3 others

Managed by: Edward Leo Neary
Last Updated:

About Sir John Talbot, Kt.

changes to be made by a curator

  • Title: Sir?
  • Name/Suffix: of Salesbury
  • Name/Display Name: (blank)
  • Place of Birth/State/Province: (blank)
  • Place of Birth/Country: England
  • Place of Death/State/Province: (blank)
  • Place of Death/Country: England


From Stirnet's "Talbot06" page (llink below):

## Both Whitaker & Dugdale show this John as married just once, to Joanna, dau of Sir John Radclyffe. However, Lyons appears to have revised this and reports that John had two wives, Johanna (who appears to have died by 1464) and Ann (d 1488), with it not being known which was mother of which children (other than Ann being mother of Lucy) and with it not being clear which wife was daughter of Sir John Radclyffe. BLG1952 (Radclyffe of Foxdenton and Hyde) suggests that it was Ann who was a Radclyffe. BLG1952 (Radclyffe of Foxdenton and Hyde) shows a Jane Trafford as married to a Sir John Talbot of Salesbury as her 3rd husband (but shows that her 1st husband died 1497 which indicates that she may have been a 2nd wife of this John's son). As the eldest son, Sir John, was knighted in 1483 he must have passed the age of majority by then so we presume that he was son of Johanna. The following <on "Talbot06"> tries to combine these views but may be revised in due course.

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Sir John Talbot, Kt.'s Timeline

Salesbury, Lancashire, England
Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Lancashire, England
Salebury, Lancashire, England
Age 59
Lancashire, England