Immediate Family
About Sanche III Mitarra Sanche, duc de Gascogne
Evidence needed to support as son of Sanche II, duc de Gascogne
1. SANCHO "Mitarra/Menditarra" ([825/35]-before 893). The parentage of Sancho is unclear from the primary sources. Although the patronymic of his son Garcia indicates his father's name, Settipani states that there is no proof that Sancho was related to the previous dukes of Gascony who are shown above[82]. However, a clue is provided by the undated charter, under which Sancho’s great-grandson "dominus Willelmus Sancii comes Gasconiorum" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Vincent-de-Lucq[83]. The document records that "quomodo venisset de Hispania avus domni Willelmi ubi se contulerat pater eius tempore domni Ludovici imperatoris" ("the grandfather of seigneur Guillaume had come from Spain where his father had taken refuge at the time of emperor Louis")[84]. The "avus domni Willelmi" was Count Garcia [I] Sanchez, so the latter's own father would have been Sancho. The document also states that the consanguinity of Guillaume Sancho with Gaston Centule Vicomte de Béarn was proved: "quidem Rex" (which from the context appears to refer to Sancho) invested "avo Vicecomitis [Gasto Centuli Vicecomes Bearnensis], qui erat de eius progenie" with "hac patria". This statement provides a strong suggestion that Sancho and his son were related to the previous dukes of Gascony, from whom the vicomtes de Béarn were probably descended although the documentation which proves this relationship has not survived. Another perspective is provided by the Genealogica Comitum Guasconiæ which records that "maxima pars nobilium virorum Guasconiæ" left for "Hispaniam ad Consulem Castellæ" (presumably during the time of Emperor Louis I, although this is not stated in the document), that "Sancius Mitarra, minimus filiorum eius" returned to Gascony, where he was made "Consul" and had a son "Mitarra-Sancius" who was father of "Garsiam-Sancium Curvum"[85]. The distinction between the two persons "Sancius Mitarra" and "Mitarra Sancius" appears unlikely from a chronological point of view, especially given the patronymic assigned to Comte Garcia [I] in other sources (see below). Sancho’s birth date is estimated from the estimated birth date of his son. The charter of Saint-Vincent-de-Lucq, quoted above, suggests that Sancho must have been invested as Duke of Gascony in the latter half of the 9th century, maybe in 864 after the death of Duke Arnaud. The document refers to him as "Rex". It is unclear why he should have been accorded this title. However, as noted below, the same title is referred to in a charter dated to [920] in which his son calls himself "Garsias Sanctii consul filius regis Sancii"[86]. This document presumably provided the basis on which Monlezun states that Sancho was the third son of "Garsias-Ximenes" king of Pamplona, and that he eventually succeeded as king of Navarre after 901[87], although he cites no primary sources. It appears improbable from a chronological point of view that Sancho could have been the same person as Sancho I García King of Navarre, whose succession in Navarre is dated to 905 and death to 925. The surprising conclusion appears to be that Sancho, father of Garcia [I], was referred to in contemporary documentation as "king" by way of honorific title. m ---. The name of Sancho's wife is not known. Sancho & his wife had two children:
- a) GARCIA [I] "le Tors/el Curvo" Sancho ([850/60]-after 920). The Genealogica Comitum Guasconiæ names "Garsiam-Sancium Curvum" as son of "Mitarra-Sancius"[88]. His birth date is estimated consistent with his father’s estimated birth date range. Comte de Gascogne. - see below.
- b) ANEPALAFRED . The Historia Abbatiæ Condomensis records that “Anepalafred frater Comitis Garsia Sancii” donated “ecclesiam sancti Pauli in…Bonos Casales” for having been cured of an illness after two years[89].
Sanche IV Mitarra (le Montagnard) (Sancho de GASCOGNE) Titlar: duc de Gascogne, prince des Basques
Född omkring 837 Död Föräldrar
Sans II Mittara de GASCOGNE , prince des Basques †864 Quilo Garcia de BUIL Vigslar, barn, barnbarnen och barnbarns barnen
Gift med Donna Tuta d'URGEL , född omkring 835 , död (Föräldrar : M Gallindo Ier Aznarez , comte d'Aragon ca 820-ca 867 & K Guldregut NN ) barn M Garcie II Le Courbé , duc de Gascogne ca 860-926 gift med Amuna d'ANGOULÊME , comtesse d'Agen ca 865- barn M Sanche IV , duc de Gascogne ca 890-961 gift med demoiselle N*** barn : M Sanche V , duc de Gascogne M Guillaume Ier , duc de Gascogne †997 M Donat de GASCOGNE , vicomte de Lomagne M Gombaud , duc de Gascogne ca 930-/983 M Aner Ier , vicomte d'Oloron M Amanieu de GASCOGNE , vicomte d'Albret (40) M Ezi , vicomte de Marsan M Guillaume , comte de Fézensac ca 895-ca 960 gift med Garsende de TOULOUSE barn : K Gersende de FEZENSAC ca 920-961/ M Othon Falta de FEZENSAC ca 925-960/ M Bernard le Louche d'ARMAGNAC , Comte de Fézensac ca 940-987 M Arnaud Ier Nonnatus (Le Moine) , comte d'Astarac ca 900-960 gift med demoiselle N*** barn : K Faquilène d'ASTARAC , comtesse d'Aure ca 920- M Arnaud II , comte d'Astarac ca 940-975 K Acibella de GASCOGNE gift med GalindoII , comte d'Aragon 893-922 barn : K Toda d'ARAGON K Andregota de GASCOGNE K Garsende de GASCOGNE gift med Raymond III Pons de TOULOUSE , duc d'Aquitaine †942 barn : M Raymond ( IV ) , comte de Toulouse †/961 K Archimberte de TOULOUSE ?930- M Aznar , seigneur de Larron gift 880 med Oneca Iniga de PAMPELUNE 847- barn K Toda de LARRON , régente de Navarre 885-970 gift med Sanche Ier Garcès de PAMPELUNE , roi de Navarre 865-925 barn : K Sancha de NAVARRE 901-959 M Garcie III , roi de Pampelune 919-970 K Urraca de NAVARRE †956 K Oneca de NAVARRE †932 K Velasquita de NAVARRE K Sancha de LARRON gift med Jiméno, régent de PAMPELUNE , roi de Navarre †931 Noteringar
Anteckningar om personen
Le premier duc de Gascogne, vers 864, serait Sanche Mitara, le montagnard ou le terrible.
Certains historiens le font descendre des rois de Navarre; d'autres le rattachent à la lignée des anciens ducs vascons, les Loup, les Hunaud, les Waïfre...
Ce qui est certain, c'est qu'en 887, le duché de Gascogne appartenait à Garcie-Sanche, le Tors (le Courbé). En effet, en août 887, les Grands d'Aquitaine se réunirent à Bourges. Il y avait là Frotaire, l'ancien archevêque de Bordeaux,, Guillaume, le futur duc Guillaume Le Pieux, Eudes, comte de Toulouse et deux autres comtes, Amalvin et Garcie-Sanche.
Ce dernier personnage est précisément le Duc de Gascogne qu'une charte d'octobre 1004, sous le règne de Charles Le Simple, qualifie de "Comes et Marchio in limitibus Oceani" (Gallia Cristiana, t.I, Instr. col. 170, et de Jaurgain: "La Vasconie", Pau 1902, t.II, p. 9).
Etait-il le fils de Sanche Mitarra ? Il n'est pas possible de l'affirmer sur le témoignage de chartes tardives et d'une authenticité douteuse. Aucune chronique contemporaine ne vient le confirmer. C'est sur de telles chartes tirées des cartulaires de La Réole, Condom, St-Sever, Lescar, Ste-Marie d'Auch, que Jaurgain s'est appuyé pour donner la généalogie de Sanche-Garcie Le Tors.
A sa mort, vers 920, celui-ci aurait partagé le duché de Gascogne entre ses trois fils. A l'aîné, Sanche-Garcie, il laissa son titre de Duc et la possession du seul Comté de Gascogne, à savoir: le Béarn, la région landaise et le littoral. Le second, Guillaume eut le comté de Fezensac, à l'est de l'Adour. Et le troisième, Arnaud, reçut le Comté d'Astarac, au sud du Fezensac.
Garcie-Sanche paraît avoir eu une fille nommée Endregoto ou Endregodis, qui, pense-t-on, donna le jour à Guillaume Le Bon, futur duc de Bordeaux. (Semele, d'après l'abbé M. DEVERT, 1974)
Voir aussi le Nobiliaire de Guienne et de Gascogne, par O'GILVY: http://books.google.com/books?id=ZfnoYNc_g1gC&pg=PA414&lpg=PA414&dq... (Semele)
Familj: Apollon
Sanche III Mitarra Sanche, duc de Gascogne's Timeline
825 |
850 |
Gascogne, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France
893 |
Age 68
???? |