Sámuel Sonnenwirth

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Sámuel Sonnenwirth

Also Known As: "Shmuel", "Schmuel", "Sonenwirth", "Zonnenwirth", "Zonenwirth", "Sonnenwirt", "Sonenwirt", "Zonnenwirt", "Zonenwirt", "Sonnenvirth", "Sonenvirth", "Zonnenvirth", "Zonenvirth", "Sonnenvirt", "Sonenvirt", "Zonnenvirt", "Zonenvirt"
Birthplace: Hajdúsámson, Hungary
Death: January 11, 1886 (63-64)
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
Place of Burial: Hajdúsámson, Hungary
Immediate Family:

Son of Bernhard Sonnenwirth and Rebekka Sonnenwirth
Husband of Fani Sonnenwirth and Fani Rosenthal
Father of Rosa Epstein; Pepi Steiner (Sonnenwirth); Bernát Sonnenwirth; Ferencz Sonnenwirth; Regina Sonnenwirth and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Sámuel Sonnenwirth

  • 1899 Hungarian Marriage Record - Bernat SONNENWIRTH (born 8/6/1872 Hajdu, son of Samuel SONNENWIRTH and Fani MANDL) married Franciska HAUSZNER (born 24/9/1875 Budapest, daughter of Mor HAUSZNER and Rosa PROSNER) on 17/12/1899 Budapest, Hungary. Witnessed by Mor HAUSZNER and Abrmin ZSIGHELI. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-D1Z7-DXD?i=302&cc=... (see media)

Marriage: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS87-S7QS-J?i=355&...

Death: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS87-S737-Z?i=171&...

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Sámuel Sonnenwirth's Timeline

Hajdúsámson, Hungary
March 25, 1869
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
September 14, 1870
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
June 8, 1872
Hajdúsámson, Hajdúhadházi, Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary
March 3, 1875
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
January 5, 1878
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
July 23, 1884
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
January 11, 1886
Age 64
Hajdúsámson, Hungary
January 13, 1886
Age 64
Hajdúsámson, Hungary